In This Issue...
- President's Message
- ANCDS Support for Black Lives & Commitment to Diversity
- ASHA COVID-19 Resources
- Dissertation Writing During COVID
- 13 Ways of Looking at the Pandemic
- Group Mentoring Program
- Committee Updates
- Research & Mentoring
- Virtual Happy Hour
- ASHA Announcements
- Member Accomplishments
ANCDS Board/Officers
Kathleen Youse, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS President
Janet Patterson, PhD President-Elect
Deanna Britton, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS Secretary
Yvonne Rogalski, PhD, CCC-SLP Treasurer
Linda Shuster, PhD, CCC-SLP Immediate Past President
Alaina Davis, PhD, CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Gerasimos Fergadiotis, PhD Executive Board Member
Jacqueline Laures-Gore, PhD Executive Board Member
Ellyn Riley, PhD, CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Mary Purdy, PhD, BC-ANCDS ANCDS Archivist
Sheryle Hazard, CAE Executive Director
ANCDS Board Certification
Why become Board Certified?
- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide
- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for maintenance of board certification
- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement
Click here to learn more about the application and certification process.
New On Demand CE Offerings
ANCDS Annual Meeting Recordings
Webinar: Memory Intervention after Traumatic Brain Injury: Results of a Systematic Review
Webinar: Practical Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) Guidelines for Aphasia
View all On Demand CE here!
Public Podcasts
Episode 17: The Clinical Fellowship Experience
Listen to all ANCDS podcasts here!
Upcoming Online Events
Aug 12, 2020 - 7:30 PM ET, SIG 2 will host a moderated Zoom exchange, "Social Communication in Childhood Apraxia of Speech" with author Nancy Tarshis.
Recorded Zoom Events
Recorded web discussion on Telepractice Considerations: Neurogenic Communication Disorders (sponsored by Special Interest Group [SIG] 2, Neurogenic Communication Disorders).
Recorded web conversation on Management of Individuals with COVID-19 in Post-Acute Care (sponsored by Special Interest Group [SIG] 15, Gerontology).
Nexus Summit 2020
In August and the fall, all Nexus Summit 2020 attendees will have access to more than 90 hours of content related to interprofessional practice and education. Click for more details.
Board Election
It is time to cast your vote to approve the slate for President-Elect, Treasurer, and two members-at-large!
Voting will close Monday, August 17, 2020 at 11:59 pm CDT.
Welcome New Members!
Board Certified Members
Kimberly A. Eichhorn, MS, CCC-SLP, ATP, BC-ANCDS
Full Members
Evangelia - Antonia Efstratiadou Jennifer Freeman, MA, CCC-SLP April Garrity Deborah Ha Kelly Ipock, MS Megan Northcutt, MA, CCC-SLP Randa Tomczak, MS, SLP(C), Reg. SK
Student Members
Jake Cahn Sophia Lalli, CF-SLP Maira Dawood, CF-SLP Karen Ochoa
ANCDS Job Board
Looking for a new career opportunity? Check out our free job board!
Members, want to post a free ad for an open position at your company? Submit this form!
Contact Us
ANCDS 2345 Rice Street, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55113 Online: Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-925-5528 Fax: 651-317-8048
Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!
President's Message
Hello ANCDS Members,
I hope this message finds you and your families safe, healthy, and enjoying creative ways to celebrate the summer during our continued social distancing mandates. When I think back to February, when I wrote my letter for our first quarter newsletter, I am astonished at what a different world it was. I never in my wildest dreams expected that 2020 would be marked by an unprecedented global pandemic, accompanied by significant social unrest.
Before I reflect on the recent work of the Executive Board, I want to first call your attention to ANCDS' Support for Black Lives and Commitment to Diversity, recently posted on our website and Facebook page, and also included in this newsletter. ANCDS supports fair and equal treatment of Black lives and unequivocally denounces racism and discrimination of any kind. In order to support our commitment to diversity, ANCDS will include more educational opportunities that focus on understanding and providing services to culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Additionally, a new committee will be established, focusing on diversity and inclusion within the organization and the profession, that will support our mission. Additional information on this committee is forthcoming, and I hope that many will consider volunteering to participate.
The ANCDS Executive Board has been exceptionally busy in the last few months. Like many of you, we are adapting to new ways of doing things during these extraordinary times. As was announced in June, we have decided to shift from an in-person Annual Scientific Meeting to a virtual meeting. This has been our most important agenda item over the last couple of months. I want to thank Mike de Riesthal, Chair of the Education and Standards Committee, and Louise Keegan, who leads the Meetings Subcommittee, for their exceptional work in making this happen. Also, we want to acknowledge Miriam Carroll-Alfano, Chair of the Membership Committee, and Tepanta Fossett and Stephanie Karidas, who lead the Subcommittee on the Student Fellowship Program, for their work in sustaining this program in a virtual environment. In a time when we are all stretched to our limit while trying to manage working from home, Mike, Louise, Miriam, Tepanta, and Stephanie have taken on a significant amount of extra work to support the needs of ANCDS. Many thanks to them and all of the members of their committees. The Board and our committees are working hard to solidify the specific details of the Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting and those will be shared as soon as possible.
Our other committees are also hard at work. Our Communications Committee, led by Meghan Savage, is hard at work reimagining our website. We have recently decided to change our website platform in order to accommodate the exciting changes that we have planned. The resulting website will be more interactive and user friendly, with additional resources for our members. These modifications are in process and are expected to be rolled out before the end of the year.
Our Certification Board, led by Ramani Voleti, has been working on developing resources for those interested in obtaining Board Certification. As part of their work, the committee has initiated Board Certification mentoring sessions and has posted sample written case studies to the website. The committee has also created a list of frequently asked questions, as well as a podcast discussing the benefits of Board Certification. If you are interested in obtaining Board Certification, please take a look at these great resources!
Finally, our Nominating Committee, led by Linda Shuster, has recently put forth a wonderful slate of candidates for the vacant 2021 ANCDS Executive Board Positions. Voting is open now through August 17.
In closing, I want to reflect again on all that has been happening in our world today. It is in these times that we must support one another. In an earlier message, I mentioned that ANCDS is an organization close to my heart because of its impact not only on my professional life but also my personal life. We are an organization of friends and colleagues. We care about one another as well as the individuals with neurological disorders whom we serve. Let's try to draw positive energy from one another's support as we move forward in these uncertain times.
Please stay safe and healthy. I look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Annual Meeting in the fall!

Kathleen M. Youse, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS 2020 ANCDS President [email protected]
ANCDS Support for Black Lives & Commitment to Diversity
For centuries, our communities have been affected by systemic racism. In recent times, racism has led to police brutality against Black people, and over the last several months we have witnessed a powerful nationwide response to these injustices. In response to this call to action, ANCDS supports fair and equal treatment of Black lives and unequivocally denounces racism or discrimination of any kind. To any member of ANCDS who has been marginalized or experienced racism and discrimination firsthand, you have our support and our assurance that you are an important and valued part of our community.
ANCDS Commitment to Diversity
In recognition of the racial disparities brought most recently to the public's attention by the Black Lives Matter movement, ANCDS reaffirms its commitment to fairness and equity in all aspects of our organization. We welcome members and support individuals with neurologic communication disorders regardless of color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religious beliefs, culture, or disability.
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ASHA COVID-19 Online Resources for Practicing Clinicians
Dissertation Writing During COVID
Written By: Megan Schliep, MA, CCC-SLP, MPH
As we have all experienced, COVID presents a unique set of challenges to different aspects of life and daily activities, as well as to various stages of academia. In addition to my work as a fourth-year PhD student finishing my dissertation during these months, I work on a per-diem basis as a speech-language pathologist in the acute rehabilitation setting and am reminded of the challenges that others are experiencing during this time.
I have been fortunate that my family and I have remained healthy and that I have been able to transition to working remotely, which I recognize is a privilege. Some of the personal challenges involving productivity and marking milestones have been framed by the much larger issues that our country and healthcare system are facing, which has helped me to keep things in perspective.
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13 Ways of Looking at the Pandemic
Written By: Jenny Fortin, MFA, MS, CF-SLP
With acknowledgment of and apologies to Wallace Stevens and his poem "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird"
1) Look at it as the force that necessitated our learning to care largely via our eyes, masked, and while yelling to be heard. It's exhausting to shout all day, though I try to avoid this for the many evident reasons. Am I the only one struggling to keep saying the normal, human things instead of selecting against these (I just won't say, "It's gonna get even hotter this afternoon"), because it's harder to say them? To communicate, "It's gonna get even hotter this afternoon" exactly how I want to now is difficult.
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Group Mentoring Program
Over the last three years, the ANCDS Certification Board has engaged in a range of activities to encourage SLPs to apply for board certification. These activities have included poster sessions and talks at state and national conventions, podcasts, and various forms of personal outreach. One of the things that became evident from these different attempts was that many SLPs were aware that ANCDS offered board certification and aspired to such recognition of their clinical expertise, but they lacked the confidence that they could complete the process successfully. Most SLPs have never submitted a written or oral case study that would be subjected to peer review.
Based on the observations of the Certification Board and the feedback we received from prospective candidates, we decided to create a mentoring program. The purpose of this program is to support the motivation of persons interested in board certification and to help them develop the confidence that they can complete the process successfully.
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Committee Updates
Certification Board:
The Certification Board has added a list of Board Certification FAQ to the website. This will help potential candidates find answers to their questions before applying. They can also reach out directly to ANCDS or the chair of the committee, Ramani Voleti, MS, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS.
We have also created a new application for international applicants. This application is available on the ANCDS website and can be used by candidates both within and outside of the USA.
Membership Committee:
The Membership Committee unanimously decided to continue to offer the Student Fellowship Awards this year, despite the challenges faced with the pandemic. The Committee extended the deadline for applications and are currently reviewing them. We are also planning for a Virtual Student Fellowship experience where students will still be able to meet with mentors, each other, and possible new experiences for them to learn and meet others interested in enhancing the lives of persons affected by neurologic communication disorders. A call for mentors will be sent out in the future, but if you are interested in being a mentor to a student, please email Miriam Carroll-Alfano [email protected].
The Membership Committee is working on updating membership applications and renewal forms. We are also working with the Communications Committee to give feedback and suggestions regarding the website.
Research & Mentoring
Mentoring Academic-Research Careers (MARC) Program Enrollment
Interested in providing guidance to a future CSD researcher? Looking for mentorship experiences with seasoned CSD faculty? Enroll as a mentor or mentee in the Mentoring Academic-Research Careers (MARC) program starting August 3.
ASHA COVID-19 Resources for the Academic Community:
Check out ASHA's updated list of resources to assist the academic community with addressing matters related to COVID-19.
Virtual Happy Hour
On March 31, ANCDS President Kathleen Youse hosted a virtual happy hour to gather the community of ANCDS members. Over twenty members were in attendance, ranging from new to experienced, as well as international members.
2019 Annual Meeting Silver Sponsor

ANCDS does not endorse specific companies or products.

ASHA Announcements
IPE Guidance Documents Published in 2019
The following three documents were published in 2019 to provide guidance on interprofessional education, interprofessional clinical learning environments, and an interprofessional education and practice research agenda.
Professional Education Opportunities
2020 IPE/IPP Conferences and Events
Member Accomplishments
Dr. Sharon E. Moss was named ASAE Research Foundation President.
Margaret Naeser's current research focuses on traumatic brain injury. This research includes retired, pro-football players, possibly developing CTE. Larry Carr, Ph.D., is the first retired, professional football player who participated in the transcranial LED Research Project with traumatic brain injury, at the Boston VA Medical Center. Watch his story.
Dr. Gloria Streit Olness, of the University of North Texas, invites Ph.D. applicants with dedicated interests in basic, clinical, and organizational research and advocacy for and with people whose lives have been impacted by aphasia to apply to their new doctoral program.
Stacie Raymer, Ph.D., of Old Dominion University, received the Martha Mullins-Callendar Award for outstanding professional contributions from the Communication Disorders Foundation of Virginia in March 2020.
Ellyn Riley received tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor at Syracuse University.
Victoria Tilton-Bolowsky was awarded the General Federation of Women's Clubs of Massachusetts's Communication Disorders Scholarship on June 5, 2020. She was also awarded the Student Leader C.A.R.E. Award from the MGH IHP Office of Student Services for her role as co-chair for the Students in Racial Justice in Healthcare (SRJH) student group at the IHP.
Member Publications:
Burshnic, V.L. & Bourgeois, M.S. (2020): A Seat at the Table: Supporting persons with severe dementia in communicating their preferences, Clinical Gerontologist, DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2020.1764686
Harvey, J., Farquharson, K., Schneider-Cline, W., Bush, E., Pelatti, C. Y. (2020). Describing the composition of Individualized Education Plans for students with traumatic brain injury. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. Advance online publication.
Singh, R.L., Bush, E.J., Hidecker, M.J.C., Carrico, C.P., & Sundin, S. (2020). Considering Health Care Needs in a Rural Parkinson Disease Community. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 14(1), 15-28. doi:10.1353/cpr.2020.0005.
Choudhury, P., Scharf, E.L., Paolini, M.A., Graff-Radford, J., Alden, E.C., Machulda, M.M., Jones, D.T., Fields, J.A., Murray, M.E., Graff-Radford, N.R., Constantopoulos, A., Reichard, R.R., Knopman, D.S., Duffy, J.R., et al., Pick's disease: clinicopathologic characterization of 21 cases. Journal Neurol, (2020)
Kinney, J., Wallace, S.E., & Schreiber, J. (2020). Drawing conclusions about aphasia: An examination of the relationship between word retrieval, drawing, and semantics. Aphasiology. 34, 254-274. doi: 10.1080/02687038.2019.1602862
Naeser, M.A., Ho, M.D., Martin, P.I., Hamblin, M.R., Koo, B.B. Increased Functional Connectivity within Intrinsic, Neural Networks in Chronic Stroke following Treatment with Red/Near-infrared, Transcranial Photobiomodulation - Case Series with Improved Naming in Aphasia. Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery (PMLS) 2020,38(2):115-131. PMID: 31621498. DOI 10.1089/pho.2019.4630
Olness, G. S., & Ulatowska, H. K. (2020). Pragmatic competence in aphasia. In K. P. Schneider & E. Ifantidou (Eds.), Handbook of Developmental and Clinical Pragmatics, Series: Handbooks on Pragmatics, Vol. 13. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton.
Ellis, C., Peach, R.K., & Rothermich, K. (2020): Relative Weight Analysis of the Western Aphasia Battery. Aphasiology, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2020.1787947.
Petroi, D., Duffy, J.R., Borgert, A., Strand, E.A., Machulda, M...Whitwell, J.L. Neuroanatomical correlates of phonologic errors in logopenic progressive aphasia. Brain & Language. 2020;204:
Riley, E.A. & Owora, A. (2020) Relationship between physiologically measured attention and behavioral task engagement in persons with chronic aphasia. JSLHR, 63(5), 1430-1445.
Silkes, J.P., Fergadiotis, G., Graue, K., and Kendall, D.L. (2020). Changes in discourse production following Phonomotor Therapy. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Silkes, J.P., Zimmerman, R.M., Greenspan, W., Reinert, L., Kendall, D.L., and Martin, N. (2020). Identifying verbal short-term memory and working memory impairments in individuals with very mild aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Silkes, J.P., Baker, C., and Love, T. (2020). The time course of priming in aphasia: An exploration of learning along a continuum of linguistic processing demands. Topics in Language Disorders. 40(1), 54-80.
Utianski, R.L., Martin, P.R., Botha, H., Schwarz, C.G., Duffy, J.R., et al. Longitudinal flortaucipir ([18] AV-1451) PET imaging in primary progressive apraxia of speech. Cortex, 2020; 124:33-43.
Seckin, Z.I., Whitwell, J.L., Utianski, R.L., Botha, H., Ali, F., Duffy, J.R....Josephs, K.A. Iofupane 123I (DAT scan) SPECT identifes dopamine receptor dysfunction early in the disease course in progressive apraxia of speech. (2020) J Neurol,
Rebstock, A.M., & Wallace, S.E. (2020). Effects of a combined semantic feature analysis and multimodal treatment for primary progressive aphasia. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 41(2) 71-81. doi: 10.1177/1525740118794399
Wallace, S.E., Donoso Brown, E.V., Saylor, A., Lapp, E., & Eskander, J. (2020). Designing occupational therapy home programs for people with aphasia: Aphasia friendly modifications. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG 2, 1-10.(Invited).
Donoso Brown, E.V., Nolfi, D., Wallace, S.E., Eskander, J., & Hoffmann, J. (2019). Home program practices for supporting and measuring adherence in post-stroke rehabilitation: A scoping review. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 31, 1-24. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2019.1707950.
Wiseman-Hakes, C., Ryu, H., Lightfoot, D., Kukreja, G., Colantonio, A., Matheson, F. Examining the Efficacy of Communication Partner Training for Improving Communication Interactions and Outcomes for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. Arch Rehab Research and Clinical Translation. 2(1). March 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.arrct.2019.100036.
Wiseman-Hakes, C., Colantonio, A., Ryu, H. et al. Research to Integrate Services for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury, Mental Health, and Addictions: Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary Workshop. Canadian J of Community Mental Health. 2020 May. doi: 10.7870/cjcmh-2020-001.
Wiseman-Hakes, C., Kakonge, L., Doherty, M., Beauchamp, M. A Conceptual Framework of Social Communication: Clinical Applications to Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Seminars in Speech and Language. 2020 Mar;41(2):143-160. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1701683. Epub 2020 Mar 10.