Written Case StudiesThe intent of the Written Case Studies is to demonstrate, as well as can be done in writing, advanced clinical competency in neurologic communication disorders using evidence-based practice. The Candidate will prepare two distinct Written Case Studies that will include a diagnostic report, a treatment plan, results of its implementation, and analysis of the intervention for a patient with a neurologic communication disorder that the Candidate has evaluated and treated or is currently treating. The Case Studies will be submitted successively. In other words, the second Case Study cannot be submitted until the first Case Study is deemed a “pass.” A. Selecting Patients for the Written Case Studies The selection of routine, typical or classic cases is perfectly acceptable for the Written Case Studies, as is selection of a treatment that is considered standard. It is not essential that the Candidate demonstrate that he or she sees unusual or atypical patients, or that he or she has developed a new or unique treatment for a common or an unusual problem. This would not, however, preclude selection of an unusual case or a unique treatment. In order to maintain compliance with HIPAA, the Case Study must not contain the patient’s name or other personal identifying information. The two Case Studies submitted must be distinct in etiology, diagnosis, treatment approach, and neurologic considerations as is possible given the Candidate’s caseload. The Case Studies should be chosen such that together they demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in the assessment and treatment of neurologic communication disorders. Additionally, critical thinking and judgment should be evident at multiple points throughout assessment and treatment. B. Content Areas Both Written Case Studies should address the following content areas using the headings underlined below. Content areas may be arranged in any order that the Candidate determines appropriate; however, all content areas must be addressed. Relevant History This section includes comprehensive demographic information (age, gender, education, occupation, etc.), relevant medical history, current clinical neurologic findings and premorbid communication status presented in a HIPAA compliant manner. Neurologic Considerations This section includes a discussion regarding the neurologic diagnosis and presumed underlying anatomical and physiological substrates, along with a commentary on the relationships between these substrates and the clinical signs presented by the patient. A brief discussion of the results of any neuro-imaging studies (e.g., MRI, CAT) conducted with regard to the speech-language diagnosis should be included here if neuro-imaging data are available. In addition, the influence of the neurologic diagnosis and other relevant factors on diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the communication disorder should be discussed. Assessment Methods/Tests and Results This section includes specific standardized and/or non-standardized assessment procedures used, with rationale for their use. Results should be summarized in a way that is succinct and easy to review, such as in tables or figures. Include test scores and interpretation when possible. Diagnostic and Prognostic Conclusions This section includes information regarding differential diagnosis, as well as severity and prognosis with supporting rationale. The Candidate should specify how the differential diagnosis of the communication disorder is consistent with or not compatible with the neurologic findings (e.g., clinical exam, neuroradiologic results). Management Recommendations and Procedures This section includes information regarding the management approach chosen as well as the therapy goals and procedures that were implemented. The Candidate should indicate how the treatment approach meets standards of evidence-based practice. The description of clinical decisions regarding frequency of sessions, stimuli content, how practice was organized within the session, how pre-/-co-existing conditions were accommodated, etc. should be made clear and include rationale. If a treatment approach is unique (not described in the literature), it must be defined explicitly. If the treatment represents an application of something well described in the literature, a reference to the literature will suffice, with appropriate modifications for the given patient. In either case it is essential to include rationale for the decisions about treatment. If treatment was not provided or terminated for reasons other than clinician discharge (e.g., patient moved), information regarding the recommended treatment course should be provided. Data Documenting Outcome of Treatment This section includes a brief description of the outcome measures chosen with rationale specifically stated. If methods and procedures other than standardized instruments were utilized during the speech-language outcome, a thorough description and analysis of them must be included. To the extent possible the Candidate should address the efficiency, effectiveness, and efficacy of the procedures used by citing appropriate empirical evidence or provide explanation of lack thereof. Sample data from treatment tasks should be included to support outcomes. Rationale for Termination of Treatment and Follow-up Recommendations This section includes a rationale for any changes in treatment as well as rationale for concluding treatment. If the patient is still participating in speech-language intervention, the Candidate should state the criteria that will be used for termination of treatment. A statement of recommendations for any follow up (home programs, scheduled re-evaluations, etc.) should be included. Quality Assessment Statement The Candidate should discuss why the treatment was or was not successful, as well as why and how he or she might have done things differently. A brief statement of how this case was typical or atypical (diagnostically and in management) should be included. When applicable, candidates are encouraged to discuss unique aspects of this case relevant to diversity, race, equity, and inclusion. C. Final Checklist for Submitting the Written Case Study
D. Review Process A three-member team, designated as the Review Team, will read the Written Case Studies. The reviewers will have no knowledge of the Candidate’s name or other identifying information. The Candidate, author of the Case Study, will also have no knowledge of the identity of the reviewers. The Review Team will remain the same for both Case Studies and the Oral Presentation and Discussion. The Review Team will evaluate each Case Study and determine either:
A Written Case Study that is evaluated as a “Does not meet standards” may not be resubmitted. However, at the discretion of the Review Team, the Candidate may submit a new Case Study if the two-year time period has not been exceeded.
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