Member Newsletter

Volume 20 | Issue 2

Summer 2022

 In This Issue...

  1. President's Message
  2. IARC 2022: An "Effervescent" Review
  3. 2022 Clinical Aphasiology Conference
  4. New Member Benefit
  5. ANCDS Webinar Series
  6. 2022 ANCDS Annual Scientific Meeting
  7. ANCDS Writing Committee
  8. ANCDS Board of Residency Education (BRE)
  9. Member Accomplishments

ANCDS Board/Officers 

Carole Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS

Lynn Maher, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Deanna Britton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS

Neila Donovan, Ph.D., CCC‐SLP

Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Immediate Past President  

Jessica Brown, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Executive Board Member

Jessica Galgano, Ph.D., CCC‐SLP
Executive Board Member

Ellyn Riley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Executive Board Member

Meghan C. Savage, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Executive Board Member

Mary H. Purdy, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS
ANCDS Archivist 

Sheryle Hazard, CAE
Executive Director

ANCDS Board Certification

Why become Board Certified?

- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills

- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills

- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide

- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for maintenance of board certification

- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement

Click here to learn more about the application and certification process.

Upcoming Live Webinars

Promoting Autonomy in Individuals with Communication Disorders: A Clinician Primer to Decision-Making Capacity, Informed Consent, and Health Literacy - Tuesday, August 30

Counseling in Primary Progressive Aphasia: Supporting Patients and Families - Wednesday, September 28

 On-Demand CE Offerings (Expiring 12/31/22)

Key Stakeholder Perspectives to Improve Care for Youth with Brain Injury

2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Lecture Recordings

View all On-Demand CE here!

Members-Only Webinar Archive

ANCDS members have access to view past webinar recordings (no longer available for ASHA CEU credits) at your convenience.

Welcome New Members!

Full Members 

Morgan Bock, M.S., CCC-SLP
Brooke Hatfield, M.S., CCC-SLP
Jocelyn Meussdorffer, M.S., CCC-SLP
Mark Ostrowski
Emily Perry, M.A., CCC-SLP
Emily Rogalski, Ph.D.

Student Members

Emily Archer
Felicity Bustos, B.A., PCBIS
Gillian Elder
Chantel LaBlonde
Abigail LeClair
Elizabeth McBride, M.A., CF-SLP
Christa Pandiscia, B.A.

Contact Us

2345 Rice Street
Suite 220
St. Paul, MN 55113
Phone: 651-925-5528
Fax: 651-317-8048

Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!

Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow us on Instagram!

President's Message

Dear ANCDS Members, 

We have lived with many challenges and disappointments in recent months, yet as I write this letter, I am filled with hope and optimism for the future.  I am anticipating many exciting opportunities for learning, exploring, and renewing connections with colleagues and friends. 

Dr. Jennifer Lundine’s webinar, “Key Stakeholder Perspectives to Improve Care for Youth with Brain Injury,” was recorded on August 2nd, and is available here for on-demand viewing if you missed her presentation.  Register now for the webinar on August 30th, “A Clinician Primer to Decision-Making Capacity, Informed Consent, and Health Literacy,”  presented by Dr. Annette Askren.  You can also register for the webinar on September 28th, “Counseling in Primary Progressive Aphasia: Supporting Patients and Families,” presented by Drs. Maya L. Henry and Kristin Schaffer.  Watch your ANCDS emails and social media sites for announcements and registration information!  ANCDS webinars are free to attend for members.

This year the ANCDS Annual Business and Scientific Meeting will be held live and in person in New Orleans.  The theme of this year’s scientific meeting is right-hemisphere disorders, and well-known experts in this specialized area of our field will be speaking.  This is an excellent opportunity to earn CEUs, while also connecting and communicating with leaders who have dedicated their careers to improving the lives of people with neurologic communication disorders.  It is also a time to meet members of the ANCDS Executive Board and Committee Chairs.  I hope to see many of you at the meeting.  

Please note: ANCDS Annual Scientific Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.  (Location to be determined.)

ANCDS will follow COVID-19-related requirements, advisories, policies, procedures, and protocols of the Convention Center, Hotels, and ASHA, as well as the CDC, and any other governmental authority.  The most current guidelines will be posted 30 days prior to the meeting.

Some of the highlights of the Annual ANCDS Scientific Meeting are as follows:

  • An exceptional program of speakers will present evidence-based research and clinical applications related to right hemisphere disorders.  

  • The Honors of the Academy will be bestowed on a well-deserved individual who has contributed immensely to ANCDS and to the field of neurologic communication disorders and sciences.

  • The recipients of the 2022 ANCDS Student Fellowship Awards will be recognized, and there will be an opportunity to learn about their interests and accomplishments.  

  • Enjoy breakfast and learn about new programs, committees, and opportunities for volunteering in ANCDS at the annual business meeting preceding the scientific meeting.

  • Meet colleagues who have recently earned Board Certification by the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (BC-ANCDS).  If you are curious about what ANCDS Board Certification is and why members pursue Board Certification, information is available on the ANCDS website and I encourage you to reach out to someone, either at the ANCDS Meeting or through email; just look for the letters after their name in their signature: “BC-ANCDS”! 

  • Meet the generous sponsors of the ANCDS Annual Meeting and learn about their interests and contributions to ANCDS members.

Besides preparing for our celebration on returning to a live, in-person meeting, there are many other new and exciting developments happening in ANCDS.  Did you hear about the new benefit for ANCDS members?  ANCDS listened and responded to members’ requests to post research study recruitment on ANCDS social media sites.  This is a benefit for both ANCDS members who are conducting research as well as ANCDS members who are interested in participating in research.  You can learn more about this new opportunity in this newsletter and at the ANCDS social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

New programs, processes, and issues in the Academy occasionally result in the Executive Board proposing changes to the By-Laws.  Proposed changes to the By-Laws require a membership vote.  It is important that all members vote on changes to the By-Laws.  Watch your email this fall for information and ballots on the proposed By-Laws changes. 

Also coming in the fall will be an email ballot with the proposed 2023 slate of Executive Board Members.  Again, it is important that you, the members of the association, vote for your Executive Board members.  Please be sure to read these emails carefully and cast your votes! 

Finally, I want to welcome new members to ANCDS and encourage all members, new and old, to join committees and become active in your academy.  Although relatively small in number, ANCDS is a very dynamic and productive organization with a reputation for its contributions to evidence-based clinical research, quality education and training, and exceptional board certification process.  Participation on ANCDS committees offers opportunities to engage with highly respected individuals who share a common interest in neurologic communication disorders and sciences.  You will find that ANCDS members are passionate about providing leadership and mentoring to support clinical expertise, promoting state-of-the-art education and research, and are dedicated to providing resources to clinicians, educators, and scientists working with people affected by neurologic communication disorders.  You will not meet a more enthusiastic, creative, energetic, and dedicated group of volunteers! 

Are you following ANCDS and its members on social media?  Please look for ANCDS on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!  There is no better way to stay in the know about your Academy!

In closing, although we may face challenges and disappointments ahead, we must keep our focus on optimism and hope for the future.  The quote below by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds me to maintain hope from day to day. 

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.” 

– Martin Luther King, Jr.



Roth Headshot

Carole R. Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS
2022 ANCDS President

IARC 2022: An “Effervescent” Review

Ellen Bernstein-Ellis, M.A.
Aphasia Treatment Program 
Cal State East Bay

What do Krakow, Florence, Edinburgh, Zurich, Aalborg, Sheffield, Slovenia, Montreal, and Boston all have in common?  They’ve all hosted the biennial International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference (IARC) at some point in its esteemed 38-year history.  Philadelphia now joins this storied group of locations.  It may never be the same given the #RockingAphasia campaign, but more on that later.

I was thrilled to attend not only my first in-person conference since COVID-19 but my first IARC.  I’ll offer a quick bit of IARC history as told by Linda Worrall in episode 82 of the Aphasia Access Aphasia Conversations Podcast, so you're ready to score big the next time they play IARC trivia—something that helped us pass the time while resetting the video stream for the online participants.  

2022 Clinical Aphasiology Conference

Lauren Bislick, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, CBIS
Assistant Professor
Interim Director, Aphasia House 
University of Central Florida

I have attended the Clinical Aphasiology Conference almost every year since entering my doctoral program in 2010.  Each year I look forward to attending CAC to learn about new research findings, gain new perspectives from the invited speaker presentations, meet up with collaborators to discuss new and ongoing projects, meet newcomers in Aphasiology, and spend time with colleagues and friends. 

This year was unique for multiple reasons.  It was our first in-person CAC since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and it was also the very first hybrid CAC, with both in-person and virtual attendees and speakers.  We were fortunate to hear from a panel of experts, Drs. Anne Charity Hudley, Charles Ellis, Davetrina Seles Gadson, on Inclusion in the Language Sciences.  This session was both powerful and informative and provided attendees with resources and tools to help address health disparities and inequity within their academic programs, clinical settings, and research. 

(Continue Reading)

New Member Benefit!

ANCDS is pleased to announce a new benefit of membership!  ANCDS will now accept requests to post members’ research study recruitment on verified social media accounts (i.e., ANCDS, @TheANCDS, and official.ancds).  This benefit will apply to social media platforms only.  Recruitment information will not be listed on the ANCDS website or in the newsletter.  

(View Requirements)

ANCDS Webinar Series

On Tuesday, August 2, Jennifer Lundine, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, reviewed current research describing the realities of life following pediatric brain injury, based on the perspectives of caregivers, youth with brain injury, and medical and educational providers.  Their experiences will highlight implications for clinical care and strategies to improve the long-term outcomes for young people who experience a brain injury.  Dr. Lundine is an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science at The Ohio State University.  Watch the webinar on-demand here.

Join us Tuesday, August 30, at 2:00 PM Central for a review of clinical decision-making capacity, the process of informed consent, and health literacy, including topics surrounding ethical consideration of principles of ethics, the dignity of risk, and ethical obligations that expand our moral lens.  Annette N. Askren, CScD, CCC-SLP, a staff speech-language pathologist at VA Puget Sound Health Care System, will discuss the speech-language pathologists' role in care teams when determining one's capacity to make healthcare decisions.  Register here.

Our webinar series ends on Wednesday, September 28 at 10:00 AM Central with Maya L. Henry, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Kristin Schaffer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, presenting "Counseling in Primary Progressive Aphasia: Supporting Patients and Families" based on their work in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin.  Register here.

The ANCDS Committee on Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) 

The ANCDS Ad Hoc Committee on Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) was established by the Executive Board of ANCDS two years ago and has been active in developing its mission, vision, and program development to best serve the ANCDS community.  The mission of the REDI Committee is to support the ANCDS executive board, committees, and membership in achieving equity, diversity, and inclusion by encouraging the translation of the principles of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion into research, clinical practice, clinical training, and professional interactions.  We are pleased that the executive board voted to convert the ad hoc committee to a standing committee of ANCDS.  

Last year, members of the REDI committee presented at the 2021 ANCDS Scientific Meeting.  We shared our personal experiences to emphasize the importance of addressing race, equity, diversity, and inclusion principles in ANCDS.  We are excited to present at the annual meeting again this year in collaboration with Dr. Jamila Minga.  In addition, we are collaborating with the other ANCDS committees to infuse the principles of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the organization.  The membership can look forward to a REDI resource library and educational opportunities including a self-study program focused on REDI principles, addressing implicit bias, and much more.  We also invite input from the membership so we can support you in the journey to eliminate issues of racism, bias, and discrimination.

Current members of the REDI committee are Sucheta Kamath, M.A., BC-ANCDS, Ramani Gidugu Venkata Voleti, M.S., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, Ana Rivera Rodriguez, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Yalian Pei, and Alaina Davis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, CBIST, who chairs the committee.  The goals of the committee are ambitious, and we welcome additional volunteers as there is much work to be done.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Alaina Davis at  

2022 ANCDS Annual Scientific Meeting

The next ANCDS Annual Scientific meeting will take place in person on Wednesday, November 16.  The theme is Right Hemisphere Disorder (RHD) and will feature numerous speakers, including Argye Hillis, Margaret (Peggy) Blake, Jamila Minga, Shannon Sheppard, Alexandra Durfee, and Melissa Johnson.  The REDI and ANCDS RHD Writing Committees will be providing updates.  Keep an eye out for them!  More information as it becomes available can be found here.

ANCDS Writing Committee

ANCDS has formed a new writing committee, “Evidence Based Practices Associated with the Clinical Management of Diverse Neurogenic Populations”, chaired by Dr. Gloriajean Wallace, Ph.D., M.Div., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS.  The focus of this committee is to identify the scope of evidence-based speech-language pathology practices available to promote equity of care for people with neurogenic disorders from diverse communities.  Projects and publications from this committee will be posted on the ANCDS website in the ANCDS Authored Reviews resource.

ANCDS Board of Residency Education (BRE)

The ANCDS Board of Residency Education (BRE) is pleased to be recognized as a standing board of ANCDS.  The work of the BRE began several years ago with a standing committee charged with investigating the feasibility of ANCDS becoming an accrediting body for medical facilities wishing to offer advanced training in assessing and treating individuals with neurologic communication disorders.  This effort was proposed by ANCDS member, Nan Musson, M.A., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, VA National Program Officer for Speech-Language Pathology, and the committee led by Richard Peach, Ph.D.  The ANCDS EB unanimously supported the committee's recommendation that the BRE be established.  A second standing committee, led by Don MacLennan, M.A., CCC-SLP, drafted the Standards for the Board of Residency Education.  A facility offering an advanced educational program in neurogenic communication disorders and wishing to be accredited by ANCDS must meet these standards.  The committee also wrote the application packet to be submitted for initial and continuing approval of a facility program.  The BRE Standards were unanimously approved by the ANCDS EB and have undergone a legal review for ANCDS.

The ANCDS BRE concept was proposed by the VA Speech-Language Pathology National Program Office.  However, any medical facility employing speech-language pathologists and desiring to offer advanced training and accreditation is welcome to apply for BRE accreditation.  Among the goals for the BRE are to elevate visibility for advanced training in neurogenic communication disorders and to support individuals wishing to achieve specialty training and apply for ANCDS Clinical Certification.  Three VA sites are planned as pilot programs for BRE accreditation in 2023.  Members of the inaugural 2023 BRE are Hetty Clark, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, Mikael Kimelman, Ph.D., Linda Shuster, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Julie Wambaugh, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Janet Patterson, Ph.D. (chair).  Their current goal is to prepare the Operations Document for the BRE, including training and evaluating site visitors for the BRE program. 

2021 Annual Meeting Silver Sponsor

ANCDS does not endorse specific companies or products. 


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ASHA Announcements


-  Updates to the Practice Portals for Telepractice and Accent Modification are live.  Portals are reviewed every three years to incorporate new research, clinical perspectives, and updated Evidence Maps.

Member Accomplishments

Margaret Blake, Ph.D., from the University of Houston, and co-PI Tatiana Schnur from the Baylor College of Medicine were awarded an R01 for their project “Recovery of language and theory of mind after stroke”.  The project is a longitudinal study to examine communication disorders associated with strokes on the right side of the brain.  Such strokes can cause difficulty with Theory of Mind, the ability to understand that others have thoughts, beliefs, and knowledge that differ from one’s own.  The project will evaluate the areas of the brain critical for the theory of mind functions, how the theory of mind deficits change over time during recovery from stroke, and how they impact everyday language and communication. 

Caitlin Brown, M.A., CCC-SLP, was accepted into the Institute of Translational Health Sciences TL1 Translational Research Training Program, which will provide funding and training for her project, Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities: a Health Services Research Perspective.

Lindsey Byom, Ph.D., CCC-SLPreceived a K23 Award from NIDCD to develop and evaluate a stakeholder-driven social communication assessment tool this spring. 

Jennifer Lundine, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, an Associate Professor of Speech & Hearing Science at The Ohio State University, is a new co-chair of the NASHIA (National Association of State Head Injury Administrators) Collaborative on Childhood Brain Injury (NCCBI), beginning summer 2022. 

A poster presentation by Whitney Postman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and collaborators, "Ultrasound Intra-Oral Visual Feedback for an Adult Case of Stroke-Induced Apraxia of Speech", has been accepted by the 2022 ASHA Program Committee.  This will be the inaugural national-level presentation of work conducted for Dr. Postman's funded research study, "Real-Time Ultrasound Intra-Oral Visual Feedback for Adult Acquired or Degenerative Motor-Speech Disorders".  And this summer, a case of Cortico-Basal Degeneration has been recruited for ultrasound intra-oral imaging of progressive apraxia of speech mixed with spastic dysarthria. 

Whitney Postman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Maureen Fischer, M.S., CCC-A, and Kailin Leisure, M.A., CCC-SLP formed the CST group in January 2017.  They partnered with two nonprofit organizations serving the predominantly African American residents of North St. Louis—Northside Youth and Senior Service Center and CareSTL Health—which provide referrals, free transportation for participants, and interdisciplinary collaboration through their social work, nursing, and medical services.  Each semester, two to four SLU graduate and undergraduate students help plan and implement group sessions.  Academic programs interested in serving their communities with similar groups might want to follow the steps outlined at the end of this article.

Chaleece Sandberg, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, won the Tavistock Trust for Aphasia Distinguished Scholar Award.

Jacqueline Stark, Ph.D., spoke with Global Café in May 2022 on the topic of "Language and Ageing: In Health and Following Brain Damage."  The recording of the Global Café can be found here.  The provided resources are also available on the IFA Global Café page.

Katie Strong, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, of Central Michigan University was awarded the Honors of the Association of the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association and a Distinguished Contribution Award from the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Travis Threats, Ph.D., received Honors of the Association from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). 

Member Publications:

Britton, D., Kain, A., Chen, Y. W., Wiedrick, J., Benditt, J. O., Merati, A. L., & Graville, D. (2022). Extreme Sawtooth-Sign in Motor Neuron Disease (MND) suggests Laryngeal Resistance to Forced Expiratory Airflow. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, 34894221089407. doi:10.1177/00034894221089407

Gatto, R. G., Martin, P. R., Ali, F., Clark, H. M.Duffy, J. R., Utianski, R. L., ... & Whitwell, J. L. (2022). Diffusion tractography of superior cerebellar peduncle and dentatorubrothalamic tracts in two autopsy confirmed progressive supranuclear palsy variants: Richardson syndrome and the speech-language variant. NeuroImage: Clinical, 103030.

Carlos, A.F., Tosakulwong, N., Weigand, S.D., Buciuc, M., Ali, F., Clark, H.M., Botha, H., Utianski, R.L., Machulda, M.M., Schwarz, C.G. and Reid, R.I., 2022. Histologic lesion type correlates of magnetic resonance imaging biomarkers in four-repeat tauopathies. Brain Communications, 4(3), p.fcac108.

Hinckley, J., Lenhardt, R., Gaziani, A., & Merlino, A.  (2022) Applying linguistic demand analysis to functional multitasking assessments, Applied Neuropsychology: Adult,  DOI: 10.1080/23279095.2022.2075747

Patterson, Janet P. & Raymer, Anastasia M. (2022). Applying Appraisal Tools in Aphasia Systematic Reviews: A Tutorial. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 

Postman, W.A., Fischer, M., & Leisure, K. (2022). Cognitive group tackles racial disparities in dementia prevention. The ASHA Leader, May-June issue, 6-8. 

Postman, W., Dugan, S., Boyce, S., Preston, J., Daniels, S., Hill, E., Taylor, B., & Atzemis, M. (2022). Ultrasound Intra-Oral Visual Feedback for an Adult Case of Stroke-Induced Apraxia of Speech. Poster to be presented at the ASHA Convention, November 17, New Orleans, LA.

Roberts, A.C., Rademaker, A.W., Salley, E.A., Mooney, A., Morhardt, D., Fried-Oken, M., Weintraub, S., Mesulam, M., Rogalski, E. Communication Bridge™-2 (CB2): an NIH Stage 2 randomized control trial of a speech-language intervention for communication impairments in individuals with mild to moderate primary progressive aphasia. Trials. 2022. 23(1):487. PMC9190461. 

Rogalsk,i E., Roberts, A., Salley, E., Saxon, M., Fought, A., Esparza, M., Blaze, E., Coventry, C., Mesulam, M.M., Weintraub, S., Mooney, A., Khayum, B., Rademaker, A. Communication Partner Engagement: A Relevant Factor for Functional Outcomes in Speech-Language Therapy for Aphasic Dementia. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2022;77(6):1017-25. PMC9159055. 

Sandberg, C. W., Exton, E., Coburn, K. L., Chun, S., & Miller, C. (2022). Event-related potential exploration of the organizational structure of abstract versus concrete words in neurologically intact younger adults. Brain and Language, 230, 105138.

Masselink, C. E., Shuster, L., Morgan, K. A., & Hoover, D. L. (2022). Retrospective Chart Review Examining Differences and Timelines in Recommended and Delivered Wheelchair Equipment in a Midwestern Dedicated Seating Department. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation103(5), 944–951.

Utianski, R.L. and Duffy, J.R. (2022). Understanding, Recognizing, and Managing Functional Speech Disorders: Current Thinking Illustrated With a Case Series. American journal of speech-language pathology, 31(3), 1205-1220.DOI: 10.1044/2021_AJSLP-21-00366

Utianski, R. L., Botha, H., Caviness, J. N., Worrell, G. A., Duffy, J. R., Clark, H. M., ... & Josephs, K. A. (2022). A Preliminary Report of Network Electroencephalographic Measures in Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia. Brain Sciences, 12(3), 378. 

Aphasia Treatment Program, Cal State East Bay