In This Issue...
- Outgoing President's Message
- Incoming President's Message
- Reflections on the 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting
- 2022 ANCDS Honors Award
- New Member Benefit
- ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Amy M. Kemp
- ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Kathryn-Anne Pertab
- Syracuse University Aphasia Lab
- Board Certification Mentoring
- ASHA Announcements
- Aphasia Access
- Upcoming Conferences
- Member Accomplishments
ANCDS Board/Officers
Carole Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS President
Lynn Maher, Ph.D., CCC-SLP President-Elect
Deanna Britton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS Secretary
Neila Donovan, Ph.D., CCC‐SLP Treasurer
Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Immediate Past President
Jessica Brown, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Jessica Galgano, Ph.D., CCC‐SLP Executive Board Member
Ellyn Riley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Meghan C. Savage, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Mary H. Purdy, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS ANCDS Archivist
Sheryle Hazard, CAE Executive Director
ANCDS Board Certification
Why become Board Certified?
- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide
- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for the maintenance of board certification
- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement
Click here to learn more about the application and certification process.
Members-Only Webinar Archive
ANCDS members have access to view past webinar recordings (no longer available for ASHA CEU credits) at your convenience.
Ep. 20: A Conversation with Tim Schut: An Inside Perspective on Living with Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech
Welcome New Members!
Full Members
Alison Boyle, M.S., CCC-SLP Fiona Campbell, MSc. Sarah Conkle, M.A., M.S., CCC-SLP Nicole Cruse, Ph.D. Alexandra Durfee, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Michelle Hoefnagel, M.S., CCC-SLP Angela Mandas, M.A., CCC-SLP Rebecca Parker, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Shanika Phillips Pradeep Ramanathan, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Lauren Schwabish, M.S., CCC-SLP Kelly Sherwood Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP Elyse Shumway Sharon Williams, M.S., Ph.D., CCC-A
Student Members
Julianne Alexander, M.A., CCC-SLP Haley Bouchard, B.S. Allison Buroker Michelle Hasenkampf, B.A. Amy Kemp, M.A., CCC-SLP Jade Mitchell, M.S., CF-SLP Jennifer Oshita, M.S. Lucia Pattullo, B.A. Kathryn-Anne Pertab Favio Saabedra Kiiya Shibata, M.S., CCC-SLP Louisa Suting Hasini Weerathunge, MSc, BSc
Contact Us
ANCDS 2345 Rice Street Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55113 Online: Email: [email protected] Phone: 651-925-5528 Fax: 651-317-8048
Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!
Outgoing President's Message
Dear ANCDS Members,
What a whirlwind of a year it has been for ANCDS! The months flew by as the Executive Board (EB) and Committees completed their work on the numerous goals they established. I cannot believe it is time for me to step down as President and welcome Lynn Maher as the incoming 2023 President. I had the pleasure of physically handing over the ANCDS gavel to President-Elect Maher at the ANCDS Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
The culmination of the year was the successful in-person annual ANCDS Business and Scientific Meeting in New Orleans. Approximately 90 attendees came together to reconnect, re-energize, and renew personal and professional relationships. A huge thank you to the Education and Standards Committee for its outstanding work in developing a dynamic group of speakers on the topic of Right Hemisphere Communication Disorders. Their presentations stimulated much discussion and generated ideas that will undoubtedly lead to future research by our members. Thank you to Louise Keegan and her committee, including a shout-out to Erin Bush for her subcommittee’s development of the scientific program, to Kelly Crouch for arranging for ASHA CEUs, and to Michael de Riesthal and Kimberly McCullough for the many hours they spent at the registration tables.
I also want to express appreciation to Miriam Carroll-Alfano, Chair of the Membership Committee for the successful Student Fellowship Program that preceded the Annual Business Meeting. Twelve graduate and doctoral level student recipients and their mentors met over breakfast and were recognized at the Annual Business Meeting. If you are interested in mentoring a student and plan to attend the annual ANCDS Scientific Meeting in Boston, please consider signing up when the call goes out in the fall before the 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting.
The top recognition of the day, presented with mystery and intrigue by Gloriajean Wallace, was the Honors of the Association to a very surprised Stacie Raymer on recognition of her career-long contributions to research, leadership, education and mentoring, interprofessionalism, and ANCDS! After declining numerous requests encouraging Stacie to attend the ANCDS meeting (unknowingly, to receive the Honors), Gloriajean successfully schemed to have Stacie present the Honors to Dr. Peach, the 2021 Honors recipient. If you were not present at the luncheon this year, be sure to attend next year’s meeting in Boston to experience the drama Dr. Wallace adds to the Honors presentation!
As a small organization that offers exceptional educational opportunities for its members, ANCDS could not sustain its annual meeting without the financial support of its sponsors. I want to take this opportunity to express our sincerest appreciation to this year’s sponsors: LSVT Global (gold level), Intelligent Video Solutions (silver level), and Plural Publishing (green level) who also donated books that were raffled off to student attendees.
There have been numerous advances and accomplishments this past year. First, I want to highlight the work of the Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Ad Hoc Committee for its transition to a standing committee beginning in 2023. The REDI committee established collaborations with other committees with the goal of weaving diversity, equity, and inclusion principles throughout the organization. The Committee developed a REDI Self-Study program and piloted it with EB members. It presented select findings at the Scientific Meeting. The REDI Committee also presented a session in collaboration with Dr. Jamila Minga.
Another advancement by ANCDS this year was establishing the Board of Residency Education (BRE) and completing a Memorandum of Understanding with the VA. In preparation for implementing the BRE, a legal review of BRE standards and application was completed and the Procedural manual for site visitors was drafted. In 2023 the goal is to train an initial group of site visitors and to spread the word to facilities providing services to individuals with neurologic communication disorders.
Over the past year, ANCDS maintained a steady membership and a fiscally sound budget. At the annual EB and Committee Chair Retreat, there was a discussion addressing the silvering effect (aging) of the membership and how ANCDS can attract the younger generation of professionals. ANCDS leadership will be addressing this topic in the year ahead. If the members of ANCDS have ideas on this topic, feel free to email one of us: Carole Roth, Past-President, Lynn Maher, 2023 President, or Heather Clark, 2023 President-Elect. You can find our emails at the end of this letter.
A successful list of candidates was developed by the Nominations Committee. We welcome the following new Executive Board Members: Heather (“Hetty”) Clark, President-Elect; Ana Rivera and Victoria (“Tori”) Scharp, Members at Large. Neila Donovan, Treasurer, stepped in to fill a vacancy in 2022 and was re-elected in 2023. Welcome to these new members of the EB! We look forward to getting to know you and working with you.
As we welcome new EB members, recognition is due to those members who are leaving us; Janet Patterson, Jessica (Jessie) Brown, and Meghan Savage. Although Janet is stepping down as Past President, she will remain on the EB in the position of chair and liaison to the Board of Residency Education. Following in Janet’s footsteps has not been easy! She is a dynamic, creative, and productive leader. Among her many accomplishments are the implementation of the BRE, the reorganization of the EB structure, and the By-Laws revisions. I could not have had a better mentor! Thank you, Janet, for all your contributions and support! We know there is more to come!
Jessie, thank you for your tremendous contributions on the EB as the liaison to the Membership committee. Your enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication to the student fellowship program contributed to increased student fellowship applications, increased numbers of student fellows, and increased ANCDS student members. Meghan, thank you for your insightfulness, collaboration, and dedication to the EB as liaison to the Communications Committee. You successfully increased ANCDS’s visibility with an updated website and social media presence. We will miss the two of you on the EB and look forward to your continued contributions to ANCDS in the future.
Did you know that over the past 12 months ANCDS:
Offered 3 webinars for CEUs.
Provided 2 podcasts.
Was active on social media.
Reviewed and updated the By-Laws, which were accepted by 96% of voting members.
Evidence-Based Clinical Research (EBCR) writing groups increased to 8 with over 60 members involved, and 3 publications completed.
3 individuals became newly certified by the Board of Clinical Certification (BCC), earning the right to use the initials BC-ANCDS to identify themselves as specialists in neurologic communication disorders.
Completed another year of mentoring individuals interested in becoming Board Certified.
Completed 3 Member Newsletters.
Maintained partnerships with 29 related professional organizations (RPOs).
Archivist Mary Purdy categorized, organized, and developed cumulative spreadsheets to consolidate ANCDS historical information.
As you can see, ANCDS volunteers contribute endless hours of enthusiasm, creativity, collaboration, and dedication, often leading to career-long, and even life-long, professional relationships and friendships. The more involved one is in ANCDS, the more personally meaningful the organization becomes. I not only encourage you to engage with ANCDS but to recruit your friends and colleagues to consider joining ANCDS. ANCDS is all about serving the professional, clinical, educational, and scientific interests of its members to encourage the highest quality of life for those with communication disorders.
As I prepare to wrap up the year as ANCDS President, I want to express my sincerest appreciation to the Executive Board Members for their leadership, thoughtful discussion, generation of new ideas, and dedication to the mission and purpose of the Academy. It has been a rewarding experience to work with you. I appreciate all the support and humor Sheryle Hazard, CAE, ANCDS Executive Director, and the ADS staff have provided. To the Committee Chairs, I owe a huge thank you for your creative collaborations and enthusiasm in establishing and achieving goals for your respective committees that contribute to the Mission and Purpose of the Academy. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to each of you, the members of ANCDS, for your continued support of the Academy, which cannot survive without you.
I look forward to working with Lynn Maher, President-Elect, and the new and current EB members as I move into the Past-President role in 2023. If you, or someone you know, are interested in learning more about ANCDS or how to engage in volunteer opportunities in the Academy, please review committee descriptions here, then sign up to volunteer here; or contact one of the following: Carole Roth ([email protected]), Lynn Maher ([email protected]), or Heather Clark ([email protected]).
Watch for an announcement of the new “Membership Forum” to be held in February to review the By-Laws revisions, the Board of Residency Education, and the Board of Clinical Certification; as well as to answer other questions you may bring to the forum.
Wishing you and your families a very happy, healthy, and joyous Holiday Season and New Year!

Carole R. Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS 2022 ANCDS President [email protected]
Incoming President's Message
Greetings ANCDS Community! As I prepare to step into the role of President of ANCDS, I want you to know I do so with great pride and a heavy dose of humility. As I said at the Annual Business Meeting, ANCDS has been such an important force in my professional life, from when I first joined as a doctoral student and throughout the many iterations of my career. It is a privilege to serve in this capacity, and I want to thank you all for your votes of confidence in allowing me to do so. Thank you to the members of the Executive Board and the Committee Chairs for helping me adjust to the myriad activities of the organization and keeping the goals of the organization moving forward. Special thanks to 2022 President Carole Roth and Past-President Janet Patterson for their mentorship, guidance, and extraordinary patience over the year. Thankfully, I have their continued support as I try to fill those exceptionally large shoes. As you can see from Carole’s message in this newsletter, the committees of ANCDS have been busy and productive. ANCDS continues to thrive because of the dedication and service of these many ANCDS members.
At our annual retreat in November, the Executive Board reviewed the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Over the coming months, we will work to ensure that we are addressing those goals effectively and look for ways we can improve our efforts. If we start with our stated mission: “To enhance the communicative lives of people with neurologic communication disorders,” then our next step is to ensure that all the activities and efforts of the organization are directed toward accomplishing that mission. In the inspiring words of Dr. Richard Peach when he accepted the 2021 Honors of the Association at the Annual Scientific Meeting luncheon, “This is what sets ANCDS apart.” When you join ANCDS, you are making a commitment to that mission as well. Thank you for doing what you can, in whatever environment you are in, to the greatest extent possible, to enhance the communicative lives of the people we serve. I look forward to working with you.

Lynn M. Maher, Ph.D. Incoming ANCDS President [email protected]
Reflections on the 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting
Kimberly A. Eichhorn, M.S., CCC-SLP; BC-ANCDS; ATP
If you were fortunate enough to be in NOLA this November for the Annual Scientific Meeting, you know that not much replaces connecting face-to-face. Considering the rich content of our time together, it feels nearly impossible to harness the ideas and goals the meeting sparked. I can thank the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and their push for age-friendly health systems for helping me organize my thoughts. As I attempted to write this, I kept coming back to this question, what matters most?
2022 ANCDS Honors Award

Anastasia M. Raymer
The ANCDS Honors Committee announces Dr. Anastasia M. Raymer as the recipient of the 2022 ANCDS Honors Award. Dr. Raymer’s pioneering translational work has sought to understand underlying mechanisms associated with anomia, alexia, agraphia, and apraxia of speech. Dr. Raymer has tackled difficult and clinically relevant issues such as treatment intensity, constraint therapy, gesture treatment, and communication partner training, providing a methodological foundation for future systematic reviews. Dr. Raymer has co-authored over 100 scholarly publications, authored 20 book chapters, co-authored one textbook, and given over 200 national and international presentations to both Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) and interdisciplinary audiences. Congratulations 2022 Honors recipient Dr. Stacie Raymer!
Please help us also extend congratulations to the following ANCDS members who were ASHA award recipients this year:
Roberta Elman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, ASHA Honors of the Association
Jacqueline Laures-Gore, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Fellow of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to the list of awards from this year.
Travis Threats, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, FNAP, ASHA Fellow, ASHA Honors of the Association
Peggy Lehman Blake, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellowship of the Association
Therese O’Neil-Pirozzi, ScD, CCC-SLP, ASHA Fellowship of the Association
Edythe Strand, Ph.D., F-ASHA, Frank R. Kleffner Lifetime Clinical Career Award
Katie Strong, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, was a recipient of the 2022 State Clinical Achievement Award (Michigan), presented by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation.
New Member Benefit!
ANCDS is pleased to announce a new benefit of membership! ANCDS will now accept requests to post members’ research study recruitment on verified social media accounts (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). This benefit will apply to social media platforms only. Recruitment information will not be listed on the ANCDS website or in the newsletter.
(View Requirements)
ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Amy M. Kemp
Name: Amy M. Kemp Earned Degree(s): M.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.A. in Intrapersonal Communications Program of study/Year in program: Ph.D. Candidate in Communication Sciences and Disorders Mentor/Advisor: Katy O’Brien University: University of Georgia ANCDS Fellowship Mentor: Melissa Duff Area(s) of research, teaching, and/or clinical interests: Cognitive rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury, older adults/cognitive aging, and implementation science

Amy M. Kemp
1. Why were you interested in the ANCDS conference fellow program?
ANCDS is a smaller group of professionals in my field of interest (neurological communication disorders) with whom I can learn from and network with. The fellowship program offered me an opportunity to have support when I was about to enter the field as an early career professional. Dr. Duff is also an integral part of ANCDS and offered me insight into how ANCDS itself worked and what I could get involved with as part of the membership.
ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Kathryn-Anne Pertab
Name: Kathryn-Anne Pertab Earned Degree(s): B.S. in Communication Disorders Program of study/Year in program: M.S. in Communication Disorders, second year Mentor/Advisor: Dr. Tyson Harmon University: Brigham Young University ANCDS Fellowship Mentor: Dr. Kimberly Smith Area(s) of research, teaching, and/or clinical interest: counseling role of speech-language pathologists, the psychosocial impact of communication disorders on individuals and their families

Kathryn-Anne Pertab
1. Why were you interested in the ANCDS conference fellow program?
I was interested in the ANCDS conference fellow program because I was excited to meet people with similar interests to me. I looked forward to learning from people with experience in neurologic communication disorders.
Syracuse University Aphasia Lab
At the Syracuse University (SU) Aphasia Lab, we use behavioral and physiological measures to study the effects of biopsychosocial factors on speech and language treatment outcomes to improve recovery and quality of life for persons with aphasia. Dr. Ellyn Riley, an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, is the Principal Investigator and director of the lab. Current lab members include two part-time speech-language pathologists (Eve Mercer, M.S., CCC-SLP, and Danielle Kealy, M.S., CCC-SLP), a first-year doctoral student (Hannah Rembrandt, M.S., CCC-SLP), three clinical SLP Master’s students (Juliet Kibbe, Gabrielle Weinstein, and Nicole Vieyto), and two undergraduate students (Christina Piera and Mitchell Mazza).
(Continue Reading)
Board Certification Mentoring
Did you know that the Board of Clinical Certification has a mentoring program for members considering Board Certification?
The purpose of the ANCDS Board Certification Mentoring Program is to support individuals who are considering applying for Board Certification. It is led by two Board Certified members, and the current program runs twice a year for three months with meetings from 7:00-8:30 EST every other week during the three month period. Participants may attend some or all of the meetings.
The meeting content includes Q&A relative to the certification process, real-time review of case studies approved by the board (with permission from the authors), and clinical case discussions. Feedback may be provided relative to the categories required for certification cases. However, direct feedback and discussion regarding cases being submitted for Board Certification review will not be provided. For more information, contact Diana Petroi-Bock at [email protected].
2022 Annual Meeting Silver Sponsor

ANCDS does not endorse specific companies or products.

ASHA Announcements
- ASHA’s Evidence Maps recently added three new topics: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Executive Function, and Primary Progressive Aphasia. These new collections of free research summaries help you quickly find the clinical information you need.
- Check in on your cultural competence, humility, and culturally responsive services with new tools, intended to be a periodic personal audit to aid your growth and commitment to learning.
- Did you miss the ASHA Convention this year? You can still celebrate your colleagues who received awards from the association and hear the inspiring message of Annie Glenn Award winner Steve Gleason through the recording of the awards ceremony.
- Save the date! ASHA’s Health Care Summit 2023: Grand Rounds in Motor Speech Disorders will be held Saturday, April 15 in Rochester, MN. The sessions, developed and presented by Mayo Clinic staff, will be a deep dive into differential diagnosis and treatment of dysarthria, apraxia, and functional communication disorders, including the physician, patient, and family perspectives. Registration opens on January 23.
Aphasia Access
Aphasia Access has produced an interactive eLearning course, Person-Centered Care: The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia Knowledge Course. The online course consists of 8 self-paced modules and is available for 2.5 ASHA CE hours. Upon completion of this course, users will earn a clickable eBadge which can be displayed in their email signature line and Linked In profile for 5 years. For more information, go to
The content team from Aphasia Access who developed this course includes the following ANCDS members: Melinda Corwin, Katarina Haley, Brooke Hallowell, Jacqueline Laures-Gore, Marjorie Nicholas, and Nina Simmons-Mackie.
As a vital component of the mission of the National Aphasia Association (NAA) to promote research that aims to improve the lives of people with aphasia, a research portal was created which allows researchers to post subjects for their studies. By completing an online form with the necessary information your study can be made available to a community of approximately 20,000 families living with aphasia who subscribe to the NAA newsletter.
Upcoming Conferences
Title: Inaugural Saugatuck Institute of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (SINR) Conference Date: June 21 – 24, 2023 Location: Saugatuck Women’s Club, 303 Butler Street, Saugatuck, MI 49453 Registration:
Member Accomplishments
Victoria Bolowsky, Ph.D., was awarded the 2022 NIDCD Academy of Aphasia Young Investigator Travel Fellowship Academy of Aphasia. She graduated in July from the Rehabilitation Sciences at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. Her dissertation title was: The Development and Application of Strategies in Learning and Aphasic Language Recovery.
Vanessa Burshnic-Neal, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, was a recent guest on the Swallow Your Pride podcast, discussing the research to practice gap in dementia care. Listen to the recording here.
Adithya Chandregowda, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, (Associate professor, Nova Southeastern University) was a speaker for the Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association (OSHA) Fall 2022 conference. He delivered a 3-hour course on lesser-discussed clinical entities pertinent to SLP medical practice. He is very thankful to OSHA for the opportunity and for donating, per his request, the offered speaker honorarium to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Perspectives journal to release the 2021 article by Chandregowda, A., Stierwalt, J.A.G, and Clark, H.M., as open access ( This article provides a handout containing strategies that SLPs could provide to family members of patients who have acutely encountered the end-of-life phase and have severe communication impairment (e.g., global aphasia) and reduced alertness. This article was also selected for discussion (September 20, 2022) at the Quarterly Journal Club, Perspectives of the ASHA – Special Interest Group 15 (Gerontology).
Roberta Elman is a recipient of the 2022 ASHA Honors of the Association.
Jacqueline Laures-Gore, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, received Fellow of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to the list of awards from this year.
Jamila Minga, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, NIH, received a grant titled Neuroanatomic Correlates of Language Production Characteristics After Right Hemisphere Stroke, which was funded by the National Institute On Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number K23DC020236; Budget Period Start Date: 12/01/2022 – End Date 11/30/2027.
Sharon E. Moss, Ph.D., CAE, CCC-SLP, was named the 2022 Outstanding Senior Alumna by the University of Florida - College of Public Health and Health Professions. She was also named ASHFoundation’s new Executive Director.
Whitney Anne Postman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, accepted an invitation from the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing to serve as Editor of Resound))), NBASLH's official quarterly newsletter. Dr. Postman will chair the Resound))) Committee, while working closely with NBASLH's management team in preparing the quarterly Resound))) newsletter.
Emily Rogalski, Ph.D., presented at the International Society for Frontotemporal Dementia 2022 Conference. The presentation, titled "Communication and Quality of Life Interventions for PPA: Where are we now?", can be viewed here.
Edythe Strand was awarded the Frank R. Kleffner Lifetime Clinical Career Award.
Katie Strong, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, was a recipient of the 2022 State Clinical Achievement Award (Michigan), presented by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation.
Travis T. Threats, Ph.D., is a consultant for a 4-year grant with Maureen Lefton-Greif, Ph.D., at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The grant is to develop a standard evaluation to use to look at the progression, classification, and standard functional measures for evaluating the effectiveness of medical interventions for A-T. It is building off a 2-year grant just finished with them to develop a prototype of this ICF-based functional scale. It is to be used in the FDA's Patient Reported Outcomes, using it to determine the real-life effectiveness of medications in children with neurodevelopmental disorders.
Member Publications:
Biel, M. Richardson, A., Guerrero, A., & Patterson, J.P. Motivation Theory and Practice in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31, 2421–2443.
Chandregowda, A., Duffy, J. R., Machulda, M. M., Lowe, V. J., Whitwell, J. L., & Josephs, K. A. (2022). Dynamic aphasia with emerging agrammatism, anomia, and aberrant frontal behaviors in a case of atypical parkinsonism. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, 10(5), 262-265.
Chandregowda, A., Clark, H. M., Machulda, M. M., Pham, N. T. T., Lowe, V. J., Josephs, K. & Whitwell, J. L. (2022). A case of atypical Alzheimer’s disease with clinical manifestation that straddled the boundary between primary progressive aphasia and posterior cortical atrophy.The Neurologist. doi:10.1097/NRL.0000000000000458
Stephens, S.R., Coelho, C., & Cannizzaro, M.S. (2022). Pragmatics. Discourse assessment and treatment in traumatic brain injury. In: N. Gurevich & C.M. Grindrod (Eds.). Clinical Applications of Linguistics to Speech-Language Pathology. A Guide for Clinicians. Routledge
Coelho, C.A., Cherney, L.R., & Shadden, B.B. (Eds.), Plural. Discourse Analysis in Adults With and Without Communication Disorders: A Resource for Clinicians and Researchers.
Cruse, N.S., Piotto, V., Coelho, C., & Behn, N. (2022). Telehealth administration of narrative and procedural discourse: A United Kingdom and United States comparison of traumatic brain injury and matched controls. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
Douglas, N. F., Archer, B., Azios, J. H., Strong, K. A., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Worrall, L. (2022, September). A scoping review of friendship interventions for older adults: Lessons for designing interventions for people with aphasia. Disability and Rehabilitation.
Cicerone, K., Dams-O’Connor, K., Eberle, R.D., Fraas, M., Ganci, K., Langenbahn, D., Shapiro-Rosenbaum, A., Tate, R., & Trexler, L. (2022). Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual and Textbook, 2nd Edition- Translating evidence-based recommendations into practice. R Eberle and A Shapiro-Rosenbaum (Managing Editors). ACRM Publishing, Reston, VA.
Elman, R. J. (2022). Still searching for understanding: The importance of diverse research designs, methods, and perspectives. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(5S), 2444-2453.
Hunting Pompon, R., Fassbinder, W., McNeil, M.R., Yoo, H., Kim, H.S., Zimmerman, R.M., Martin, N., Patterson, J.P., Pratt, S.R., and Dickey, M.W. (2022). Associations among depression, demographic variables, and language impairments in chronic post-stroke aphasia. Journal of Communication Disorders100.
Knollman-Porter, K., Bevelhimer, A., Hux, K., Wallace, S.E., Hughes, M., Brown., J. (in press). Eye fixation behaviors and processing time of people with aphasia and neurotypical adults when reading narratives with and without text-to-speech support. Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research.
Madden, E.B., Therrien, M., Bislick, L., Wallace, S.E., Golf-Albritton, R., Vilfort-Garces, A., Constantino, C., & Graven, L. (in press). Caregiving and friendship: Perspectives from care partners of people with aphasia. Topics in Language Disorders.
Patterson, J.P. & Raymer, A.M. (2022). Applying appraisal tools in aphasia systematic reviews: A Tutorial. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31, 2291–2300.
Balls-Berry, J.E., Mozersky, J., Postman, W., Denny, A., Saunders, J., O'Leary, C., Griffin, S., Johnson, C., Clark, P. (2022). Creating Opportunities to Increase Health Equity (COEQUAL) in Research for Persons at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting & Expo's 150th Anniversary Celebration, Boston, MA, November 6.
Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Nunn, K., & Zipse, L., (2022, November). Ethnic and racial representation in standardized aphasia assessments: Barriers to analysis and recommendations for research. Poster presented at the 2022 ASHA Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Hoffman, L., Evans, W. S., & Vallila-Rohter, S. (2022, October). Incorporating metacognitive strategy training into semantic treatment promotes restitutive and substitutive gains in naming: A single-subject investigation. Presented as a Platform Session at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Nunn, K., & Zipse, L., (2022, May). Performance discrepancies on adult language assessments: Barriers to examining the racial and ethnic diversity of validation samples. Poster presented at Clinical Aphasiology Conference 2022.
Tilton-Bolowsky, V. E., Davis, A. S., & Zipse, L. (2022). Mapping Meta-therapy Onto the Treatment of Cognitive-Communication and Language Disorders in Adults. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 1-19.
Wallace, S.E., Patterson, J.P., Purdy, M., Knollman-Porter, K., & Coppens, P. (2022). Auditory Comprehension Interventions for People with Aphasia: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31, 2404–2420.
Wallace, S.E., Patterson, J., Knollman-Porter, K., Purdy, M., & Coppens, P. (in press). Auditory comprehension treatment for aphasia: A scoping review. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.