Member Newsletter

Volume 21 | Issue 3

Fall 2023

 In This Issue...

  1. President's Message
  2. Audrey Holland Tributes
  3. ANCDS Member Spotlight: Amy Kemp
  4. ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Melissa Ugianskis, MPH
  5. ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Courtney Jewell 
  6. ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Lily Dennison
  7. Board Certification Mentoring
  8. ASHA Announcements
  9. Aphasia Resources
  10. Upcoming Conferences
  11. Member Accomplishments

ANCDS Board/Officers 

Lynn Maher, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Heather Clark, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS

Deanna Britton, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS

Neila Donovan, Ph.D., CCC‐SLP

Carole Roth, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS
Immediate Past President  

Jessica Galgano, Ph.D., CCC‐SLP
Executive Board Member

Ellyn Riley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Executive Board Member

Ana Rivera Rodriguez, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Executive Board Member

Victoria Scharp, Ph.D.
Executive Board Member

Mary H. Purdy, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS
ANCDS Archivist 

Kim Eichhorn, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP, BC-ANCDS
Chair, Board of Clinical Certification

Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Chair, Board of Residency Education

Sheryle Hazard, CAE
Executive Director

ANCDS Board Certification

Why become Board Certified?

- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills

- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills

- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide

- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for the maintenance of board certification

- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement

Click here to learn more about the application and certification process.

On-Demand CE Offerings (Expiring 12/31/23)

Cognitive Rehabilitation for Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19: A Research Review and One Outpatient Clinic’s Experiences

2023 REDI Self-Study Course

ANCDS members have access to view past webinar recordings (no longer available for ASHA CEU credits) at your convenience.

ANCDS Podcast

Ep. 21: A Conversation with Alaina Davis and Sucheta Kamath of the ANCDS Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Committee

New Right Hemisphere Resources

New resources related to apragmatism have been added to the website, including a video presentation by the International Right Hemisphere Collaborative introducing pragmatism.

Welcome New Members!

Full Members 

Heather Barber, CCC-SLP, CBIS
Beatriz Barragan, Ph.D.
Katherine Brown, CCC-SLP
Nalanda Chakraborty, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Maricela Cortes Garcia, M.S., CCC-SLP, CBIS
Manaswita Dutta, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Emily Fife-McCrackin, M.A., CCC-SLP
Alejandrina Henriquez, CCC-SLP, CBIS
Heidi Iwashita, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Katherine Kirby, B.S., M.A.
Rita Lenhardt, DHSc
Amy Maguire, CCC-SLP
Natasha Moran, M.S., CCC-SLP
Lindsay Perko, M.S.
Laura Schmitt, M.S., CCC-SLP, CBIS
Julie Stierwalt, Ph.D.
Anne Ver Hoef, M.A., CCC-L-SLP
Olivia Vruwink, M.S., CCC-SLP
Kim Walker
Jayninn Yue

Clinical Fellow and Student Members

Jamey Fitzpatrick
Chelsea Larkman, B.S.
Sydney Salinas
Julia Toto

Contact Us

2345 Rice Street, Suite 220
St. Paul, MN 55113
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-925-5528
Fax: 651-317-8048

Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!

Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow us on Instagram!

President's Message

Dear ANCDS Members, 

It is hard to believe, but it is almost time for our Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston!  The Education and Standards Committee has been working diligently to bring you a timely and thought-provoking program.  This year’s theme, Supporting Mental Health in Neurogenic Communication Disorders, could not come at a better time.  While it has always been the case, the need to deal with the pervasive issues of mental health and incorporate mental health support in our care of individuals with neurologic communication disorders seems even stronger today, for many reasons.  As most of us have limited formal preparation in how best to navigate these challenges, this year’s program will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen our evidence-based understanding of the assessment and management of these psychosocial issues for the people we serve.  My deepest appreciation to Louise Keegan, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, Erin Bush, Ph.D., and all the members of the Education and Standards Committee for all their hard work in creating this exceptional program, and for the speakers who have agreed to share their expertise with us.

As always, we will begin the day with the ANCDS Business meeting, and I would like to encourage you all to attend (note there will be breakfast provided during registration with coffee, so no excuses not to attend!) to hear in detail what each of your active and ambitious ANCDS Committees and Boards have accomplished this year.  I am pleased to provide a brief update now but do come to the business meeting to hear more and to learn how you might want to become more involved in ANCDS.

We began this year with high hopes and an ambitious agenda, some of which has been realized and some of which is a continued work in progress.  We are guided by the mission of the organization to Enhance the communicative lives of people with neurologic disorders through continued education, fostering professional connections, and encouraging appropriate standards of practice to best serve this complex population.  

The ANCDS Executive Board (EB) made an effort this year to provide members with better access to the work of the organization.  We offered two membership information forums to provide members with an opportunity to talk with committee chairs and EB members and learn about the activities of the organization.   We also solicited feedback from our membership with a survey.  Thank you to Miriam Carroll-Alfano for spearheading this effort, and to all who took the time to share your thoughts with us and give us a better sense of your needs.  Congratulations to Sarah Schellinger, Ph.D., and Sarah Wallace, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, who were the winners of the membership dues giveaway for their participation in the survey! 

In addition to the Annual Scientific meeting, at the time of this writing, there have been three webinars offered as well as one podcast and more on the way.  The Board of Clinical Certification has been very active with applications for ANCDS Board Clinical Certification, and the Board of Residency Education is launching its first round of certifications for clinical training programs, both designed to set the standards for specialized practice (BCC) and training programs (BRE) in neurologic communication disorders.   The Professional Affairs Committee distributed information about ANCDS at two conferences of related professional organizations, and the Race, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI) Committee launched the Freedom of Discomfort self-study course.  Finally, to encourage more student access to membership, we are reducing the cost of a student membership to $25!

All these activities are directly or indirectly related to our mission.  If we hope to improve outcomes for the people we serve, it is imperative that we continue to strive for the standard of care to be best practices, informed by our science.  We must listen to our science, as best we can, to continue to evolve as a specialty.  That means, among other things, setting politics aside (please) and facing reality.  Despite the unfortunate opinion that discrimination needs no longer be addressed, we know differently.  We understand that barriers to access to both higher education and healthcare persist for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Americans.   The lack of diversity in our educational programs and in turn, in our profession, is still an issue and directly impacts service delivery.   Despite being understudied, underserved, and underrepresented, we know from the research, some of which has been done by ANCDS members, that BIPOC Americans have less access to services, poorer rehabilitation results, and worse employment outcomes, underscoring the need to continue our efforts to address these disparities.  Consistent with our mission, we need to continue our efforts so that all people with neurologic communication disorders can and do receive the quality of care that will support their recovery.

Not all of us will have health disparities and educational inequities as the focus of our work, as do some of our colleagues.  However, we can all strive to increase our awareness and our personal commitment to work toward equitable, unbiased practices.  The reason I find the ANCDS REDI self-study course so compelling is that it allows participants the freedom to start wherever they are on this path through personal investigation and reflection.  We are exposed to different perspectives through guided readings, and we have a license to determine which among them is more applicable and meaningful to our own personal growth from our own personal starting point: a true self-study.  While there are certainly easier ways to meet the ASHA “DEI CEU requirement” available, the benefits of the REDI self-study in personal growth, in my humble opinion, are worth the effort.  I want to thank our members who have taken on this challenge and registered for the course and thank the members of the REDI committee for providing us with this unique opportunity.

There is so much more I could tell you about the activities of the ANCDS committees.  We haven’t even touched upon the Evidence-Based Clinical Research Writing groups and what they have achieved!  Please do come to the Annual Business meeting in Boston to get the full picture. 

I will close with this final thought.  By my rough and not very scientific calculations, over one-third of ANCDS members volunteer their time and expertise back to ANCDS either on committee work or in leadership roles.  I find that truly remarkable, and I am frankly humbled by the notion.  For those of you not in that 33%, there are a variety of ways you too can be involved.  Please consider if there are ways you would like to volunteer as you renew your membership.  Thank you for your contributions, for that is what makes us such a vibrant organization, and thank you for your continued commitment to enhancing the lives of the people we serve.


Warm regards,

Lynn Headshot

Lynn M. Maher, Ph.D.CCC-SLP
ANCDS President 
[email protected]

Audrey Holland Tributes

On October 4th, many members of the ANCDS community gathered virtually with friends and colleagues to celebrate the life of Audrey Holland.  Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, and Pelagie Beeson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, shared some words which we are reprinting here. Additionally, a recording of the tribute is available for viewing here.
From Janet Patterson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP - I believe, as I am sure many of you do as well, that in our careers, work, and lives, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, who built strong foundations that allow us to create new and exciting pathways, which in turn, will encourage the next generation of individuals — clinicians, researchers, persons with aphasia, family, and friends — to venture in even more unique and fulfilling directions.  Despite her diminutive stature, Audrey Holland had very broad and strong shoulders on which we all stand.  Everyone here today, and many people who could not be here, have been touched in one way or another by Audrey, as students, colleagues, mentees, clients, and most importantly, as humans.  We owe Audrey a debt of gratitude for the guiding light she has been to people living with aphasia and investigating aphasia.

From Pelagie Beeson, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS - Audrey came to the University of Arizona in the Fall of 1991 as a Professor and Department Head of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.  Our department had just received NIH funding for the National Center for Neurogenic Communication Disorders, and Audrey was one of the Principal Investigators.  I had completed my Ph.D. at Arizona the year before and was working as a Research Scientist for the Department of Neurology.  Good fortune came when Audrey called me before she arrived in town to ask if I would be interested in joining the Center research team  and that began our collaboration.

ANCDS Member Spotlight: Amy Kemp

Name: Amy Kemp, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Organization: Department of Veterans Affairs

Photo of Amy Kemp

We love featuring our members and their clinical and research interests!  If you are (or know of) a member with a unique interest or hobby, or just want to share your ANCDS story, email us at [email protected] for a chance to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

1. What is your ANCDS role?  Why were you interested in this role?  What are you excited about related to this role?
I am the Social Media Lead for the Communication Committee.  I was excited to learn about this role because I am interested in, and research, implementation science.  The dissemination of research and making communication and community resources effective and efficient is a passion of mine.  ANCDS is a small, special community, and to be part of creating the online version of that was exciting.  I hope to meet member and committee needs by using social media to support, celebrate, and educate!

ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Melissa Ugianskis, MPH

Name: Melissa Ugianskis, MPH
Program of Study/Year in Program: second-year graduate student at Portland State University working on a master's degree in the Speech and Hearing Sciences
University: Portland State University
ANCDS Fellow Mentor: Jose Centeno, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Area(s) of research, teaching, and/or clinical interest: neuroplasticity and language recovery in aphasia

Melissa Ugianskis

1. Why did you decide to apply for the ANCDS Student Fellowship?

Being able to meet and learn from the leading minds in this field was such an exciting opportunity, I just couldn’t pass it up!  Having access to a mentor to discuss current research, opportunities, and next steps is just such a valuable resource at any point in a career, but especially when starting out in a new direction.  I am so grateful to be able to speak to others who have been where I am, and hopefully learn from their experience.

ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Courtney Jewell 

Name: Courtney Jewell
Program of study/Year in program: Ph.D. Candidate, The Ohio State University, 4 years
University: Ohio State University
ANCDS Fellow Mentor: Sarah Wallace, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Area(s) of research, teaching, and/or clinical interest: Impact of psychosocial factors on post-stroke aphasia rehabilitation outcomes

Courtney Jewell

Why did you decide to apply for the ANCDS Student Fellowship?
ANCDS is an exceptional space for evidence-based resource exchange, networking opportunities, and career growth for both my clinical and research agendas, which led me to apply for the Student Fellowship.  Being provided the opportunity to engage with an established mentor in the field is an unparalleled experience that would aid in my own personal professional development and success as a clinical researcher.  I am honored to be selected as an ANCDS Student Fellow and look forward to engaging with renowned clinicians, researchers, and emerging professional students with similar career goals as myself.

(Continue Reading)

ANCDS Student Fellow Spotlight: Lilly Dennison 

Name: Lilly Dennison (M.S. Candidate)
Program of study/Year in program: M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology candidate at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.  I have now attended the program for over a year with expectations to graduate in May 2024.
University: University of Tennessee Health Science Center
ANCDS Fellow Mentor: Mary H. Purdy, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS
Area(s) of research, teaching, and/or clinical interest: The relationship between cognition and language in persons with aphasia

Lily Dennison

Why did you decide to apply for the ANCDS Student Fellowship?
I was looking for an opportunity to further my knowledge and experience working with those with neurological communication disorders.  I was eager to apply in hopes of creating greater connections with and learning from the speech pathologist professionals and researchers who work with this population.  Furthermore, I look forward to hearing the personal journeys of other ANCDS fellows who share similar career goals.

(Continue Reading)

Board Certification Mentoring

Did you know that the Board of Clinical Certification has a mentoring program for members considering Board Certification?

The purpose of the ANCDS Board Certification Mentoring Program is to support individuals who are considering applying for Board Certification.  It is led by two Board Certified members, and the current program runs twice a year for three months with meetings from 6:00-7:30 CT every other week during the three-month period.  Participants may attend some or all of the meetings. 

The meeting content includes Q&A relative to the certification process, real-time review of case studies approved by the board (with permission from the authors), and clinical case discussions.  Feedback may be provided relative to the categories required for certification cases.  However, direct feedback and discussion regarding cases being submitted for Board Certification review will not be provided.  For more information, contact Diana Petroi-Bock, PhD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS, at [email protected].

2022 Annual Meeting Silver Sponsor

ANCDS does not endorse specific companies or products. 

ASHA logo 

ASHA Announcements


SIG 2, Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Open House at ASHA Convention: Come by to catch up with colleagues and friends, have a bite to eat, and stop by the bar on Thursday, November 16 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm ET in Room 52B of the Convention Center.  You don’t have to be a current SIG 2 affiliate to join in the fun.

Social Determinants of Health: Explore ASHA’s new resources for considering and responding to clients’ non-medical factors.

New Evidence Map: Spinal Cord Injury is a new evidence map topic offering free research summaries on assessment, treatment, and service delivery for adults with spinal cord injuries.  Find the clinical information you need on this population or explore one of the other 50 clinical topics for the latest synthesized research at

Practice Portal News: Executive Function Deficits is a new portal with a related evidence map covering children and adults, and the Dysarthria in Adults portal was recently updated. 

Demonstrate Your Value: ASHA offers a new library of PDF fact sheets demonstrating the value of speech-language pathologists to show how our services enhance care coordination, reduce costs, and improve clinical outcomes.  Use this data and information to engage with interested parties and advocate for the profession.  New topics will be regularly added.

Research Career Support: ASHA’s Pathways and Lessons for Success programs are currently accepting applications.  Apply for the one that can best assist you in developing your research career.


Application Deadline: December 1, 2023
Meeting Date: June 10–11, 2024
Are you an early-career researcher interested in building a strong foundation for an independent clinical research career?  Pathways offers mentoring for 1 year to those who might not have prior grant-writing experience but who want to:

  • develop a 5-year career plan,
  • build a publication record, or
  • learn about early-career stage research funding mechanisms.


Lessons for Success (LfS)
Application Deadline: December 1, 2023
Meeting Date: April 15–17, 2024
Are you an early-career researcher looking to advance your research career?  Lessons for Success provides intensive training to those with grant-writing experience.  The goals for this training are twofold:

  • Hone your grant-writing skills through lectures, mock reviews, roundtable discussions, and small-group sessions, and
  • Strengthen your development and management of a successful program of research.

Specific grant-writing eligibility requirements vary by career stage.


Additional Opportunities
ASHA offers additional research career development opportunities for individuals within a range of career stages—from undergraduates through mid-career faculty.  See ASHA’s Academic & Research Mentoring Network for more details.

Please direct questions to [email protected].

Aphasia Resources

Aphasia Access has produced an interactive eLearning course, Person-Centered Care: The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia Knowledge Course.  The online course consists of 8 self-paced modules and is available for 2.5 ASHA CE hours.  Upon completion of this course, users will earn a clickable eBadge which can be displayed in their email signature line and LinkedIn profile for 5 years.  For more information, go to

The content team from Aphasia Access who developed this course includes the following ANCDS members: Melinda Corwin, Katarina Haley, Brooke Hallowell, Jacqueline Laures-Gore, Marjorie Nicholas, and Nina Simmons-Mackie.  

As a vital component of the mission of the National Aphasia Association (NAA) to promote research that aims to improve the lives of people with aphasia, a research portal was created to allow researchers to post subjects for their studies.  By completing an online form with the necessary information, your study can be made available to a community of approximately 20,000 families living with aphasia who subscribe to the NAA newsletter. 

Upcoming Conferences

Title: International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference
Date: January 11-13, 2024
Location: In-person: Orange, California (will include hybrid offerings)

Member Accomplishments

Michael Kimbarow, Ph.D., and Sarah Wallace, Ph.D., CCC-SLP published the 4th edition of "Cognitive Communication Disorders" under the Plural Publishing imprint. Additional authors include ANCDS members, Mary H. Purdy, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Katy O'Brien, Ph.D. CCC-SLP, Petrea Cornwell, Ph.D., Margaret Blake, Ph.D., Heather Dial, Ph.D., Catherine Wiseman-Hakes, Ph.D., and Kelly Knollman-Porter, Ph.D. Special thanks to them for their outstanding contributions to the book.

Jacqueline Daniels, M.S., CCC-SLP, and Kristie Spencer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, are series editors for the Medical SLP book series through Plural Publishing, and the fourth book in the series has been released: Tracheostomy and Ventilator Dependence in Adults and Children: Learning through Case Studies by Drs. Roxann Diez Gross and Kristen King.  The fifth book in the series will be available in January 2024: End of Life Care Considerations for the SLP by Drs. Helen Sharp and Amanda Stead. 

Nunn, K.Tilton-Bolowsky, V., and Kershenbaum A. presented  "Examining ableism and aphasia through a health stigma and discrimination framework, a roundtable discussion" at the 52nd Clinical Aphasiology Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Connie Porcaro, Ph.D. CCC-SLP,  has taken a new position as Department Head and Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Valdosta State University in Georgia.

Jessica Riccardi received the New Investigators Research Grant from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation for a project titled, “Fatigue, Social Communication, and Participation After Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury”.

Travis T. Threats, Ph. D. was the recipient of the Career Achievement Award presented by the College of Health and Human Sciences.

Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Hoffman, L., Nunn, K., Evans, W.S., Vallila-Rohter, S. will be presenting an in-person technical clinical session at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, Massachusetts.  The session is titled, Modifying Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) to improve people with aphasia’s use of the SFA strategy. 

Whitney Postman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, is the Editor and Chair of NBASLH’s Resound))) Committee. The Summer 2023 Special Issue of Resound))), an official publication of the National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing (NBASLH) appeared in August. This special double-issue celebrated the historic success of the 45th Annual NBASLH Convention in Arlington, Virginia from April 20-22, 2023.

Whitney Postman, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, has successfully launched a Brain Health Group for diverse older adults with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia at DePaul University! The participants are predominantly Black and Hispanic older adults from the city of Chicago. 

Member Publications:

Huang, C., Ito, N., Ifah, M., & Chiou, H.S. (Nov 2023). Promoting equity and inclusion for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Speech Language Hearing Sciences.  Paper presented at the 2023 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.

Wauters, L. D., Croot, K., Dial, H. R.Duffy, J. R.Grasso, S. M.Kim, E.Schaffer Mendez, K.Ballard, K. J.Clark, H. M., Kohley, L., Murray, L. L.Rogalski, E. J., Figeys, M., Milman, L., & Henry, M. L. (2023).  Behavioral Treatment for Speech and Language in Primary Progressive Aphasia and Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech:  A Systematic Review. Neuropsychol Rev.

Sampaz, M., Genç, G., Pehlivan, B.,  Sakın, B., Bulut, S., Donovan, N.J. (2023). Reliability and validity study of a Turkish version of the Communicative Effectiveness Scale-Revised (CES-R). International Journal of Communication Disorders. Jul 30. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12932.

Parveen, S., Donovan, N.J., Morris, G., Dickey, K. (2023). Examining the Item-level Psychometric Properties of the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SEQ) for Students in Communication Sciences and Disorders.  Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, 7 (1), Article 3.

Mayer, J. F., Madden, E. B., Mozeiko, J., Murray, L. L., Patterson, J. P., Purdy, M., Sandberg, C. W., & Wallace, S. E. (accepted) Generalization in Aphasia Treatment: A Tutorial for Speech-Language Pathologists. AJSLP. 

Mazumdar, B. & Donovan, N.J., Duncan, E.S. (2023).  Identifying an Appropriate Picture Stimulus for a Bangla Picture Description Task. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 66, 1334–1350.

McDaniel, S. L., Shuster, L. I., & Kennedy, M. R. T. (2023). Clock drawing test performance of young adults based on a one-shot case study, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, acad061.  Advance online publication.

Tierney-Hendricks, C., Miller, J., Lopez, R.P., Conger, S., & Vallila-Rohter, S. (2023). ‘It’s been an extraordinary journey’: Experience of engagement from the perspectives of people with post-stroke aphasia.  International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 1-14.

Nunn, K., Arbel, Y., & Vallila-Rohter, S. (22 Oct 2023): An electrophysiological and behavioral investigation of feedback-based learning in aphasia, Aphasiology, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2023.2267780.

Peach, R.K., Vitiritti, K.E., & Los, M.A. (2023): The effects of word frequency, age of acquisition, animacy, and grammatical class on picture naming by volunteers and people with aphasia. Aphasiology,

Petroi-Bock, D., Clark, H.M., Stierwalt, J.A.G., Botha, H., Farwa, A., Whitwell, J.L., & Josephs, K.A. (2023). Influences of motor speech impairments on the presentation of dysphagia in progressive supranuclear palsy.  International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Advance online publication: doi: 10.1080/17549507.2023.2221407. 

Raymer, A., Roitsch, J. (2023). Word retrieval treatments in aphasia: A survey of professional practice.  Aphasiology, 37(7), 954-979.  doi: 10.1080/02687038.2022.2063791

Gray, T., Palevich, J., & Sandberg, C. W. (2023) Bilingual Abstract Semantic Associative Network Training (BAbSANT): A Russian-English Case Study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-17. doi:10.1017/S1366728923000500 

Sandberg, C. W., Khorassani, H., Gray, T., & Dickey, M. W. (2023) Novel Participant-Level Meta-Analytic Evidence for AbSANT Efficacy.  Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4:1017389.  

Silkes, J. P. (2023). Repetition Priming Treatment for Anomia: Effects of Single- and Multiple-Exemplar Protocols. Am J Speech Lang Pathol, 32(5S), 2528-2553.

Strong, K. A., & Sather, T. W. (2023). “It’s not often that people want to hear me talk about my life”: Storytelling experiences of people with aphasia in an interdisciplinary songwriting project.  International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

O’Bryan, E., Regier, H., & Strong, K. A. (2023, October). “I wasn’t just sitting there”: Empowering care partners through Aphasia-Friendly Reading Treatment. Aphasiology.  

Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Hillis, A.E. A review of poststroke aphasia recovery and treatment options. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. Published online July 11, 2023.

Galleé, J., Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Stark, B.C. The Communication Success Screener (COMSS): A preliminary investigation of perceived communicative success across modalities, environments, and demands. J Speech Lang Hear Res. [In press].