In This Issue...
- President's Message
- New Newsletter Co-Editor: Sarah Wallace
- Honors Award Recipient: Edythe Strand
- Committee Updates
- ASHA Announcements
- Student Fellow Program
- Member Accomplishments
Renew your ANCDS membership by 2/28!
If you have not yet done so, please renew your ANCDS membership by February 28. Non-renewals will be marked inactive on March 1.
ANCDS Board Certification
Why become Board Certified?
- Recognizes your advanced clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances your confidence in your clinical knowledge and skills
- Enhances consumer and referral source confidence in the care you can provide
- Encourages professional growth through the continuing education required for maintenance of board certification
- Provides a respected credential to support professional advancement
Upcoming Events
2018 Motor Speech Conference: February 22-25
Clinical Aphasiology Conference 2018: May 22-26
Webinar Recordings
Sep. 2017: Principles of Neuroplasticity and Motor Learning: Implications for Neurorehabilitation
Dec. 2017: Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Overview of Evidence-Based Approaches
Public Podcasts
Ep. 10: A Conversation with McKay Moore Sohlberg - Cognitive Rehabilitation
Ep. 11: A Conversation with Margaret Blake - Right Hemisphere Damage and Disorders
Listen to all ANCDS podcasts here!
Annual Business Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2017
November 14, 2016
Welcome new members!
Full Members Ellen Bernstein-Ellis Christopher Bolinger Sarah Buckingham Megan Caldwell Melissa Campbell Cheryl Chomali Joanne Christodoulou Erica Cunningham Julie Dalessio Caitlin Ferrer Mary Foye Bernadine Gagnon Jean Gordon Julia Grant Jill Grogg Edwin Maas Don MacLennan Pauline Mashima Pamela Mathy Bijoyaa Mohapatra Shirley Morganstein Jaimie Payne Amber Richardson Chaleece Sandberg Heather Smith Corinne Spencer Kyra Symanski Mayya Teytel-Cocozza Travis Threats Diane Walsh Monica Wheat Mallory Whitenton Julia Yudes-Kuznetsov
Students Kristen Ackley Elizabeth Alaniz Sharice Clough Sarah Curtis Rachel Enevoldsen Davetrina Gadson Stephanie Grasso Jayne Hertko Ryan Husak Laura Kanter Clara Keller Priscilla Le Anya Leyhe Brett McCardel Michele Miller Veronika Moldovan Samantha Moody Alexis Myres Charlotte Reimer Casey Rumble Matthew Schwartz Jenni Shafer Shannon Sheppard Faith Stagge Rebecca Stewart Phillip Stone Elizabeth Torres Scott Vokoun Amanda von Zirpolo Jordyn Wynn Sydney Zenzen
ANCDS Board/Officers
Julie Wambaugh, PhD President
Linda Shuster, PhD, CCC-SLP President-Elect
JoAnn Silkes, PhD Secretary
Katherine Ross, PhD, BC-ANCDS Treasurer
Richard Peach, PhD, BC-ANCDS Immediate Past President
Tepanta Fossett, PhD Executive Board Member
Katy O'Brien, PhD, CCC-SLP Executive Board Member
Janet Patterson, PhD Executive Board Member
Gail Ramsberger, ScD, CCC-SLP, BC-ANCDS Executive Board Member
Stacie Raymer, PhD ANCDS Archivist
Sheryle Hazard, CAE Executive Director
Contact Us
ANCDS 2345 Rice Street, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55113 Online: Email: Phone: 651-925-5528 Fax: 651-317-8048
Have feedback or suggestions for the newsletter? Contact us here!
President's Message
By Julie Wambaugh, Ph.D. 2018 ANCDS President
Welcome to the first ANCDS newsletter of 2018. It is my privilege to be serving as president this year and I am looking forward to helping advance the important work of our organization. I'd like to extend my gratitude to our Past President, Richard Peach, for his invaluable efforts on our behalf last year. Thanks to his leadership, our operations have been substantially improved.
2017 was a busy and productive year for ANCDS. Since becoming a continuing education (CE) provider, one of our goals has been to provide more CE opportunities for our members. Our first two webinars were offered this year and were well-received. In addition to being offered live, these webinars are now available on-demand on our website. CE credit can be obtained for up to one year following the online posting of the webinar. This will be the process for all upcoming webinars. For 2018, the Education and Standards Committee aims to provide three webinars - watch for notifications about these offerings. There is no charge for the webinars for ANCDS members and non-members can access them for a fee. Currently, the live webinars are limited to 50 participants, so be sure to sign up promptly if you wish to participate. (Continue reading)
New ANCDS Newsletter Co-Editor: Sarah E. Wallace
We are very fortunate that Sarah Wallace has joined the ANCDS Communications Committee and is now co-editor of the ANCDS Newsletter. Many of you know Sarah because she is your colleague, mentor, committee member, or running partner. Sarah is an Associate Professor and Program Director for the Adult Language and Cognition clinic in the Speech-Language Pathology Department at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Wallace also directs the Communication and Cognition Lab at Duquesne. She has published extensively in the areas of multi modal communication and aphasia along with other publications in the area of neurogenic communication disorders. (Continue reading)
 Edythe Stand, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS, receives the 2017 Honors of the Academy Award from Mary Boyle, Ph.D., BC-ANCDS
2017 Honors Award Recipient
This year, the Academy of Neurologic Disorders and Sciences recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to people who have neurologic communication disorders and to the professionals who work with them for more than 40 years. In a career that has encompassed clinical and academic settings, this person has served as clinician, administrator, teacher, researcher, consultant, and mentor. Our honoree is someone who has provided service and leadership in the workplace and in professional associations. This individual's work is widely respected, as evidenced by productive collaborations with colleagues in many disciplines...
We are extremely pleased to present the 2017 Honors of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Sciences and Disorders to our distinguished colleague and valued friend, Edythe A. Strand!
Click here to read Edythe's full profile and interview.
Committee Updates
Education and Standards Committee: One of the major roles of the Education and Standards Committee is to develop and implement the educational program for the Annual Scientific and Business Meeting. In completing this task for the 2017 meeting in Los Angeles, the committee members (Jennifer Horner, Isabel Hubbard, Diana Petroi, Gail Pashek, JoAnn Silkes and Greg Turner) discussed several themes. When identifying appropriate themes, the committee considered previous meetings topics, survey results from attendees of the 2016 meeting, potential presenters from the California regional area, guidance from the ANCDS Board liaison to the committee (Julie Wambaugh), and the collective knowledge of the committee. The theme title chosen was Traumatic Brain Injury: From State of the Science to Clinical Application. (Continue reading)
Evidence-Based Clinical Research Committee: The Evidence-Based Clinical Research Committee kept quite busy in 2017, with each writing group/subcommittee (i.e., aphasia, apraxia of speech, progressive neurogenic disorders, dysarthria, traumatic brain injury [TBI], and right hemisphere disorders [RHD] groups) working on one or more projects. Some examples of the Committee's achievements and current projects include:
(a) The TBI group recently submitted a theme-based group of papers for journal publication. Watch for more news about these papers later this year. The next area that this group will be focusing on is vocational readiness post-TBI. (Continue reading)

ASHA Announcements
Stay in the Loop!
Subscribe to the ASHA Headlines e-mail list and keep up to date on the latest news from your association! Postings to ASHA Headlines include topics such as:
- Updates on government relations (including Your 60-Second Advocacy Update), public relations, audiology and SLP practices issues and activities;
- CEO Updates;
- Periodic summaries of various ASHA committee, board and council meetings;
- Action alerts for government relations and reminders about upcoming ASHA elections.
- To subscribe to ASHA Headlines, please log into your My Account page and select the link for "Manage Your ASHA E-newsletter Subscriptions." If you do not have an ASHA account, please use this subscription form.
ASHA-Sponsored Opportunities:
ASHA's Clinicians and Researchers Collaborating (CLARC) online network encourages research partnerships between clinicians and researchers. Enroll today! See academic/CLARC/ for details.

ANCDS Student Fellow Program
ANCDS was pleased to offer fellowship awards to 10 students to attend the 2017 Scientific and Business Meeting in Los Angeles, CA. Start-up funds for the original awards offered in 2011 were contributed by Dr. Lawrence Shriberg, keynote speaker for the 2010 ANCDS Fall Conference, who donated his honorarium back to the ANCDS. Funds to sustain the program continue to be provided by the ANCDS Executive Board.
Click here for the full list of current student fellows and their mentors.
Several of the new fellows recently spoke with ANCDS to discuss why they decided to participate in the Conference Fellow program. Click below to read their full interviews:
Member Accomplishments
Bush, Erin. Dr. Bush, an assistant professor in Communication Disorders at the University of Wyoming, was recently named a recipient of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA) 2017 Advancing Academic-Research Careers (AARC) Award.
Cherney, Leora. NIDILRR Field Initiated Project: Grant # 90IFRE0007. Improving Electronic Written Communication in Persons with Aphasia: A Clinical Trial. 9/29/2017 -9/28/2020. (PI: L. Cherney).
Cherney, Leora. Received the Third Annual Excellence in Post-Stroke Award from the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the National Stroke Association.
Copeland, Karen, M.A., CCC-SLP; BC-ANCDS. Recently elected to serve as the ASHA SLP Advisory Council member from Oklahoma for 2018-2020.
Whitwell JL, Weigand SD, Duffy JR, Clark HM, Strand EA, Machulda MM, Spychalla AJ, Senjem ML, Jack CR, Josephs KA. (2017). Predicting clinical decline in progressive agrammatic aphasia and apraxia of speech. Neurology, 89: 2271-2279. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000004685.
Helm-Estabrooks, Nancy, a Co-Founder and Life Member of ANCDS, announces the publication of the CLQT+ (Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus).
Northcott, S., Marshall, J. and Hilari, K. (2016). What factors predict who will have a strong social network following a stroke? Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59(4), 772-783 doi:10.1044/2016_JSLHR-L-15-0201.
Researchers Dr. Alejandro Brice and Dr. Jackie Hinckley, with the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and Voices of Hope for Aphasia, were awarded a $235,000 conference program grant through PCORI that will bring together people with aphasia, their families, aphasia clinicians, and researchers. The conference will be held October 19 & 20 in St Petersburg, FL, featuring Dr. Audrey Holland, Dr. Kathryn Yorkston, and more. You can get all the details on the project's webpage, thanks to the National Aphasia Association:
Johnson, R.K., Lasker, J.P., & Stierwalt, J.A.G., MacPherson, M.K., LaPointe, L.L. (2017). Motor learning guided treatment for acquired apraxia of speech: Factors that influence treatment outcomes. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. doi: 10.1080/2050571X.2017.1388488.
Johnson, R.K. (2017). Motor learning guided treatment for acquired apraxia of speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. doi:10.1080/2050571X.2017.1379721
Keck, C., Creaghead, N., Turkstra, L., Vaughn, L., & Kelchner, L. (2017). Pragmatic Skills after Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury: Parents' Perspectives. J Comm Dis, 69, 106-118.
Knollman-Porter, Kelly, Sarah Wallace, Jessica Brown and Karen Hux were the recipients of an AREA (R15) grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders for their research entitled Strategies to Accommodate Reading in Aphasia (STAR). The intent of the STAR initiative is to establish an evidence base for using assistive technology to support independent reading of materials encountered during everyday activities by people with aphasia. The ultimate goal is to help people with aphasia achieve clinically significant gains in independently comprehending written texts that are of interest and value to them, thereby improving their quality of life.
Lanzi, A., Burshnic, V., & Bourgeois, M.S. (2017). Person-centered memory and communication strategies for adults with dementia. Topics in Language Disorders, 37(4), 361-374.
Lundine, J.P., Harnish, S.M., McCauley, R.J., Zezinka, A., Schwen Blackett, D., & Fox, R.A. (2017). Exploring summarization differences for two types of expository discourse in adolescents with TBI. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Epub ahead of print. doi:10.1044/2017_AJSLP-16-0131.
MacDonald, Sheila (2017). Introducing the model of cognitive-communication competence: A model to guide evidence-based communication interventions after brain injury. Brain Injury, 31:13-14, 1760-1780. doi:10.1080/02699052.2017.1379613.
Mueller, K.D., Koscik, R.L., Clark, L.R., Hermann, B.P., Johnson, S.C., Turkstra, L.S. (2017). The Latent Structure and Test-Retest Stability of Connected Language Measures in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention (WRAP). Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2017 Nov 24:1-13.
Off, Catherine. Montana Faculty Service Award. Granted by the University of Montana in April 2017. This award is granted to a faculty member who has a history of providing superior, effective service that benefits the University of Montana.
Kladouchou V. , Papathanasiou I, Eva A. Efstratiadou EA, Christaki V and Hilari K (2017). Treatment integrity of elaborated semantic feature analysis aphasia therapy delivered in individual and group settings. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, VOL. 52, NO. 6, 733-749.
Ellis, C., Peach, R.K., Hardy, R.Y., & Lindrooth, R.C. (2017). The influence of race on SLP utilization and costs among persons with aphasia. Aphasiology, 31(12), 1433-1440.
Ellis, C., Hardy, R.Y., Lindrooth, R.C., & Peach, R.K. (2017). Rate of aphasia among stroke patients discharged from hospitals in the United States. Aphasiology, doi:10.1080/02687038.2017.1385052. Published online: 02 Oct 2017.
Schwedt TJ, Chong CD, Peplinski J, Ross K, and Berisha V. (2017) Persistent post-traumatic headache vs. migraine: An MRI study demonstrating differences in brain structure. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 18:87. doi:10.1186/s10194-017-0796-0.
Chong CD, Berisha V, Chiang C-C, Ross K, and Schwedt TJ. Less cortical thickness in patients with persistent post-traumatic headache compared with healthy controls: An MRI study. Headache. 2017 Nov 15. doi:10.1111/head.13223.
Bialunska, Anita, PhD and Salvatore, Anthony P, PhD. The Auditory Comprehension Changes Over Time After Sport-Related Concussion Can Indicate Multisensory Processing Dysfunctions. November 2017. Brain and Behavior. doi:10.1002/brb3.874
Sutton, Megan, MS, CCC-SLP. Healing the Broken Brain: Leading Experts Answer 100 Questions about Stroke Recovery. It's a book for stroke survivors and their families, but also offers valuable cross-disciplinary information for professionals. It is co-written by a person with aphasia and his family member, and has been featured on The Doctors and Rachel Ray on TV, bringing awareness to aphasia and stroke rehab.
Turkstra, L.S., Duff, M.C., Politis, A.M., Mutlu B. (2017). Detection of text-based social cues in adults with traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil, Jun 8:1-15.
Marcotte K., McSween MP, Pouliot M, Martineau S, Pauze AM, Wiseman-Hakes C, Macdonald S. (Aug 2017). Normative Study of the Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies (FAVRES) Test in the French-Canadian Population. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 60(8):1-11.
Yoder-Black, Deanna (2017). The Complementarity between Theoretical Linguistics, Neurolinguistics, and Communication Sciences and Disorders. Linguistic Portfolios.